
Java VM Bridge for Functional Languages / News: Recent posts

Repository moved to darcs

The CVS here on SourceForge is out of date. The repository has been moved to darcs:

darcs get

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2007-03-12

0.3 on Mac OS X Issues

The build on Mac OS X is broken due to use of features of later versions of "ls" and "which". If you happen to be using fink (like me), installing the "fileutils" package will fix this.

A 0.3.1 release that fixes this issue is forthcoming: the fix has already been checked in to CVS, so you can use that too.

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2004-05-07

Haskell/Java VM Bridge 0.3 Released

Release 0.3 of Haskell/Java VM Bridge is now available in source-code form.

New in Version 0.3:

\* Windows support \(thanks to Thomas Pasch\)

\* Can now work with third-party Java libraries

\* Minor bug fixes
Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2004-04-19

Haskell/Java VM Bridge 0.2.1 Released

Release 0.2.1 of Haskell/Java VM Bridge is now available in source-code form.

0.2.1 is a minimal update to work with GHC 6.0. If you are using GHC 5.04, you should use the 0.2 release instead.

Haskell/Java VM Bridge allows Haskell programs access to the Java Virtual Machine. It comes in two parts: the 'Native' part, that abstracts away differences in the various Java VMs, and the 'Haskell' part that provides a Haskell API. The Native part is not Haskell-specific, and could potentially be used by other languages wishing to access the Java VM.... read more

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2003-07-23

0.2 Not Compatible with GHC 6.0

JVM-Bridge 0.2 is not compatible with GHC 6.0 due to changes in the FFI API in GHC. Please use GHC 5.04.* instead.

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2003-06-09

Haskell/Java VM Bridge 0.2 Released

Release 0.2 of Haskell/Java VM Bridge is now available in source-code form.

New in Version 0.2:


\* 'Haskell' now a separate Autotools project installing in /usr/lib/jvm-bridge/

\* New array region access functions

\* Correct array types in autogenerated class interfaces

\* Subtype parameters in autogenerated class interfaces

\* VMLayer 'env' parameter now implicit

\* Various changes in the BasicLayer... [read more](/p/jvm-bridge/news/2003/04/haskelljava-vm-bridge-02-released/)
Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2003-04-11

0.2 Status

I will be doing a 0.2 release (buildable source) shortly, hopefully some time this month if there's a new GHC by then. There's actually not that much work left to do, but my available time may be reduced as I hope to be starting a paying job shortly.

0.2 separates the 'Native' and 'Haskell' portions as two separate AutoTools projects. Here's the change list for the native project:

* MacOS X support... read more

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2003-03-03

Haskell/Java VM Bridge 0.1 Released

The first release, 0.1, of Haskell/Java VM Bridge is now available.

Haskell/Java VM Bridge allows Haskell programs access to the Java Virtual Machine. Features include:

* Calling of Java methods, access to fields, array-handling;

* Integration of garbage collectors;

* Reconciliation of exception models;

* Reconciliation of thread models, including 'synchronized'
monitor support and the ability to fork Haskell actions as
Java threads;... read more

Posted by Ashley Yakeley 2001-12-19