
Just Journal 1.0 Alpha 3

After two years, I've finally got the third alpha of Just Journal out. Just Journal started as a closed source blogging service. Since I've released it under the BSD license, I've been working to make it generally usable on other sites. It's not quite 100% ready, but it's getting close.

This version adds many new features like tags, blogger 1.0 api, metaweblog api, pdf and rtf generation of blogs, atom feed support, updates to the RSS code, a picture gallery, and speed improvements.

Developers of java software may find the code useful in their own applications.

This software was written for Java 5 and MySQL 5.0.

In the next version, I plan on moving off of Sun's experimental CachedRowSet API in the data access code, getting WAR deployments working, and possibly switching to ant for builds.

Posted by Lucas Holt 2008-05-10

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