
#6 upload times


I installed this applet on linux, apache, php server. The
site is intended for huge picture uploads. I've set server
timeout to 3 hours in php.ini.
Client reports that 30 images are taking in excess of 3
hours to upload and that they users experience time out
errors or dropped connections.
DSL is 128 KB/s upstream (direction from their computer
to the server).
If applet was to transfer files only - the upload would
transfer about 7 MB per minute - so the upload should
take in excess of six minutes. But it takes 3 hours!
The simple test html post form with 30 file input boxes
gives c. half an hour upload time.
So it looks like it is the applet to blame...
Any suggestions?
Best, regards,


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    sorry if I sound presumptious here, but I think you may have
    confused megabytes with megabits and kilobytes with kilobits
    here. I think you'll find that your DSL account upstream
    speed is 128Kb/s, not 128KB/s (this is splitting hairs and
    both spellings are sometimes used, but neverthelss we are
    talking about a speed of 128 kilobits a second).

    Your upstream speed (as a kilobit is is 1/8 of a kilobyte)
    equals (theoretically assuming full uniterrupted speed, good
    contention ratio blah blah...) to 16 kilobytes per second
    (divide 128 by 8).

    As filesizes on your harddisk are probably depicted in bytes
    not bits, it means that if you have a 1MB (megabyte, i.e.
    1024 kilobytes) sized image (file) that you're uploading,
    assuming full 128Kb/s (or kbps) DSL upload speed it would
    take 64 seconds.

    I don't know what size your actual set of files come to, but
    you can do a quick sanity check by using a theoretical
    hourly upload speed (again same parameters) of 56.25MB per
    hour (which in kilobytes then again is 57 600KB) to see if
    the applet is working properly.

    I have used it for couple of months now and have encountered
    no problems...



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