
JUnit addons still alive?

  • Morten Lauritsen Khodabocus


    I was wondering whether junit addons is still alive?

    JUnit and Java have both changed a lot since the last release...

    There are some minor things that I thought should be in
    JUnit Addons (to a certain extent, they already are...),
    like a generic equals and hashcode tester, comparator / comparable
    tester, etc. I couldn't find the documentation, and I didn't take the time to check out the sources from CVS (I will one of these days...).

    There are a couple of posts on this forum, but the newest
    one is 4-5 years old.

    I don't have a lot of time available, but I think it would
    be interesting to work on JUnit addons - to be clear, I mean
    contributing as a developer, I am not asking anybody to do my
    work for me.  :-)


    • Morten Lauritsen Khodabocus

      OK, I just took a closer look, and junit-addons actually does exactly what I want it to do...

      Still... Is anybody reading this?

    • arno

      arno - 2009-03-27

      Yep. Me! ;)
      I was just looking into the addons, too.
      Checked the ComparabilityTest, but unfortunately it does not work with junit4.
      Actually it is easy to rewrite this one to adapt to junit4. Instead of subclassing TestCase you can have this as superclass for junit4 tests. Tried it already out. Works like a charm.
      So, i would be happy to contribute, too.

      • Morten Lauritsen Khodabocus


        I sent a message to the JUnitAddons admin, but no response so far.

        Oh well, there's no hurry, whenever he(?) gets around to reading this, I'll still be here. :-)

        Of course, if he doesn't, what to do?


    • Erik Lindblad

      Erik Lindblad - 2009-09-03

      I was wondering the same.. Anyway, I submitted a patch with a testcase that I found useful here at work. Hope it will get accepted by 2013 or so :)


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