
#7 Option: no immediate paste operation when selecting clips


FEATURE REQUEST: no immediate paste operation when selecting clips

It would be nice if JumpCut had an option that would prevent it from pasting an item immediately when selected.

With this option enabled JumpCut should just switch the selected clip into the clipboard and nothing else it should then be up to the user to paste the clip using traditional shortcuts.

PS: your website is not updated with the latest 0.62 release info.

Thanks for a great program.

Kind regards Uffe :-)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Uffe,

    You already have this option. Jumpcut, Preferences then untick "Menu selection pastes".

    If you this is not what you've meant, please add more details, use cases.


  • Uffe Jakobsen

    Uffe Jakobsen - 2008-10-13

    Well that was exactly what I had in mind.

    But the feature that you mention does not affect "keyboard-only operation"

    Example: I have Alt/Option-v as a global shortcut for Jumpcut - and selecting another clip using keyboard only operations allways seem to paste no matter what the option you mention is set to.

  • Uffe Jakobsen

    Uffe Jakobsen - 2009-01-26

    Steve C wrote:
    > Uffe, if I'm reading your feature request correctly, you want clip selection in the
    > bezel to behave the same way that clip selection from the menu item does --
    > user-configurable to either paste or just enter the data into the clipboard. Is
    > that correct?

    Hi Steve, Yes that is correct !!!

    This way JumpCut will be much more userfriendly for usders like me that tend to prefer keyboard only operations.

    Kind regards Uffe :-)


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