
ArcSDE spatial views list

  • francesco marucci

    we downloaded and succesfully installed OpenJump and his ArcSDE plugin.

    We saw that the "Choose SDE Layers" layer list does not contain the ArcSDE spatial views.

    Looking at the java code ( we saw also that the query is done over the SDE.GDB_OBJECTCLASSES SDE table, but this table does not contain the spatial view.

    Is that layer list built over that query ?
    There is any reason to query that table instead of, for instance, the "LAYERS" or the "GEOMETRY_COLUMNS" SDE tables, that contain both FeatureClasses from table and views ?

    Do you think that this will be an easy and useful change in that plugin ?

    Thanks in advance,

  • francesco marucci

    I did not seen that there is a checkbox to actvate or not the "Display feature dataset in layer list". If unchecked, then in the next step also the spatial views are listed.
    So, nothing to change, it is working.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hei, no problem. Maybe someone has the same issue. This way the solution is recorded. So thanks, for reporting back.

    Btw. I did not answer earlier as I have been forwarding the message first to the developer of plugin.


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