
OJ.exe recognized trojan

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    We have the Sophos AV-suite. It recognizes the file OJ.exe es a trojan/virus. So i cannot install OpenJumpg 1.3 or try the sources from svn.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have the same problem. I tried to install OJ 1.3.1  and OJ 1.3.1 + Sextante. Both times OJ.exe was recognized as a trojan.
    We have McAfee, Windows XP, Java v6up17.
    Does anybody have a solution for this?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Well, the problem are the security settings of the anti virus program - i.e. McAffee: see what I wrote here.

    What should(?) work is that you just unzip the zip file and start openjump with the openjump.exe or openjump.bat in the /bin/ folder.
    However 2 notes on that:
    - The exe is the problem for McAffee - so it may be deleted by yourself or the virus program. But openjump.exe calls only the openjump.bat file anyway - and we have the exe for convenience reasons to people that never used bat files.
    - Sometimes it does not work to use the openjump.bat file for starting. This is because either Java is not found or the start class is not found. The latter problem could be that the path to the OpenJUMP folder contains spaces, and "bat(ch)" script do not handle such. here you would need to copy OpenJUMP for instance to "C:\openjump\".

    hope that helps

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2011-09-12

    Solved in new distribution (from OpenJUMP 1.4)


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