
#423 Sextante beanshell console not working


Sextante has a beanshell console, but sextante tools are not initialized in the beanshell context so that the console is useless (cannot run sextante alg from console).
We need to check if it can be improved from the openjump plugin code (which is hosted at sourceforge) or if it needs a change in sextante code itself.
Another solution would be to make sextante code accessible from openjump beanshell console (which is almost the same as sextante one) or even from Beanshell editor, which is much more comfortable to edit code.


  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-10-18

    I tested this function on Kosmo 2.1 and on latest GvSIG CE (on Windows). It seems to me that it is not working. I wonder if there is a break between Sextante ver 0.6 and Sextante ver. 1.0 (embedded in OpenJUMP, Kosmo and GvSIG). I propone to deactivate it untill we get the code

  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-10-25

    Good news
    I did again some test and it seems that the console is is wirking, at least with raster layers.
    The problem is the syntax to use with these layers:

    The following example is taken from the user doc about command line, loading the file: mdt25.asc

    1) according to the help the right syntax for a 3x3 filter is:
    runalg("kernelfilter", "mdt25.asc", "-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1", "#")
    This syntax gives back an error

    2) On the other hand, everything works fine using this syntax:
    runalg("kernelfilter", "mdt25 (2)", "-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1", "#")

    I will check if we can get rid of that "(2)" extra string
    In any case I will correct the User help embedded into OpenJUMP Sextante

  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-10-30
    • status: open --> pending
  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-10-30

    Fixed on OpenJUMPRasterLayer.class. In the next days I will upgrade command line tutorial. Open ->Pending

  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-11-01

    It should be fixed, with new documentation, on OJ 5134

  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-11-01
    • status: pending --> closed-works-for-me
  • Giuseppe Aruta

    Giuseppe Aruta - 2016-11-01
    • status: closed-works-for-me --> closed-fixed

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