

Carlos Martins

Juffrou stands for Java Utilities Framework For the Rest Of Us and is a collection of useful classes or mini frameworks to help the java developer.

Checkout the juffrou-reflect module if you are into performant java bean handling.

There is also an xml marshaller / unmarshaller which is easy to use and has cool features like the Simplified Marshalling of nested beans.

Why another XML marshalling / unmarshalling framework when there are already so many?

Well, it's true that there are many XML marshalling frameworks. I have used extensively XStream and Castor and I have huge admiration for those two frameworks. I am also a huge fan of cowtowncoder and his amazing jackson and fasterXml projects.

But as I got to know those frameworks I saw the good and the not so good in them and was always left with a feeling that there is something lacking.

I wanted something focused on marshalling java beans. Easy to configure with a choice for mapping file configuration or configuration through code. I wanted it to be easy to use, flexible - easy to extend and something that would handle the marshalling of nested beans into flat XML and back without pain.

Juffrou-XML is that. Take a look at the Three Minute Tutorial here

I have been developing on enterprise java application for many years always relying on the springframework / hibernate stack and built some utility classes along the way. I created Juffrou to share these utility classes/framework with the development community and hope that can be useful to you.

The project is built with maven 2.

Checkout the maven site at for a detailed description of the project and its modules.

Juffrou artifacts are released to the Sonatype OSS Repository

Snapshots and releases can be downloaded from

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