
error parsing

M. Teo
  • M. Teo

    M. Teo - 2012-11-25


    I have generated cdt file via Broad Institute's GenePattern, and I was able to open it via their Java Treeview module. However, when I try to open the file via the standalone Java Treeview version 1.1.6r2, I was faced with error message (see below). So thinking it might be potentially problems with files generated by GenePattern, I downloaded sample file from the JVT website, and I was still not able to open the dendrograms. See error message below.

    Please advise! I am running it on a Mac OS X 10.6 with the latest java installed.

    oading /Users/neuy924/Documents/Dataset/spellman.cdt.cdt …
    Finding Cdt Dimensions
    loading Array Annotations
    loading Gene Annotations
    Parsing strings into doubles…
    parsing atr
    error parsing ATR: LoadException 1: Url /Users/neuy924/Documents/Dataset/spellman.cdt.atr could not be opened: no protocol: /Users/neuy924/Documents/Dataset/spellman.cdt.atr
    ignoring array tree.
    parsing gtr
    error parsing GTR: LoadException 1: Url /Users/neuy924/Documents/Dataset/spellman.cdt.gtr could not be opened: no protocol: /Users/neuy924/Documents/Dataset/spellman.cdt.gtr
    ignoring gene tree.
    parsing jtv config file

  • Ch-ris

    Ch-ris - 2013-11-07

    Hi have you tried with the new 1.1.6r4 ver? I managed to open all the example files on the website with 1.1.6r4.


    Last edit: Ch-ris 2013-11-07

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