
To Do

Dave Blau
  • Dave Blau

    Dave Blau - 2003-04-22

    summary info and things to do:

    versions start w/0.1
    package namespace: org.jtorrent
    SE jar file for public releases (with manifest file)
    new installer.jar for each release
    must install JRE 1.4

    we should have online help. maybe the code could include a link to a support page...
    build dependencies
        * javadocs
    a quick tutorial of the protocol, how the codebase is designed, and where to look for what?
    clean up the config.cfg file
    version and build numbers in MANIFEST.MF
    maybe we should include scripts for generating .torrents in the server release
    we could write a custom ANT task to allow the user to choose a directory and set the installdir properties for the ANT script
    better uninstaller
    package docs for javadoc

    better statistics
    better file management
    better installer
    better GUI
    making it work over an http proxy without "CONNECT"

    On my TODO list are: Multi file support, real tracker support, rarest first (does random forst now), cancel msg support (endmode game) and real request pipelining.

    GUI features:
    we need good feedback on download progress...
    we need a way to control and size of the network pipe dynamically
    we need a way to start/stop/restart/edit a download in progress(ie save it to another file instead)
    launchable and integrate .torrent builder functionality
    we should look at making an apache module plugin to web pages can be downloading and rendered automatically(images in the .torrent files)

    Connection - one for each peer

    maybe, we just need to make some of the functionality in ConnectionManager static?
    we also need to interface to be able to access information in the connection manager.  so we should have a static reporter class to record information on behalf of the GUI
    we need a Statistics class

    • Hunter Payne

      Hunter Payne - 2003-04-22

      > On my TODO list are: Multi file support, real tracker support, > rarest first (does random forst now), cancel msg support
      > (endmode game) and real request pipelining.

      I think the code already does support cancel msgs in all modes, not just the endgame mode, and it already does the request pipelining in the most effient way possible in Java.  At least in the same way that Bram used.  Look at for more information.


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