
JSystem / News: Recent posts

JSystem screencast

A new screencast that demonstrate JSystem basic capabilities is now available at

Posted by guy_arieli 2008-10-27

JSystem community site

We are happy to announce that JSystem have new community site. The site is available in:
You can view and add tickets:
View the road map:
View changes as timeline:
And more ...

Posted by guy_arieli 2008-10-02

JSystem new site

We are happy to announce that JSystem have new site. The site is available in:
You can brows the sources in

Posted by guy_arieli 2008-09-17

JSystem 5.2.2 is now available

What new in this version:
- Ant based scenario
- Scenario flow control
- Agent based tests execution

Posted by guy_arieli 2008-09-15

The developer guide is now ready

A new developer guide is now ready.
The runner guide is on it way.

Posted by guy_arieli 2006-06-16

JSystem 3.1.9 is now available

What new in this version:
- support for java 1.5
- parametrization bug fix
- enhanced graph module
- change sut during scenario

Posted by guy_arieli 2006-02-19

JSystem 3.1 is now available

This version includes:
- Runner gui changes
- Scenario support
- Test parameters
- Test javadoc
- Bug fixes
and more...

Posted by guy_arieli 2006-01-02

JSystem 2.5.1 now available

This version includes:
- bug fixes.
- new classpath/loader mechanism .
- GUI enhancements.
and more

Posted by guy_arieli 2005-07-08

JSystem 2.0.2 now available

This version includes:
- bug fixes.
- new tests / scenario runner
- results publisher
and more ...

Posted by guy_arieli 2005-02-23

JSystem 1.3.2 now available

This release includes:
- Few bug fixes.
- Extendable analyzers module.
- Improved system object.

Posted by guy_arieli 2004-10-11

JSystem 1.3.0 now available

This is a major release that completes most of the framework requirements.
I encourage you to visit the project homepage:
See the list of feature planed for the next releases and post request of your own.

Posted by guy_arieli 2004-09-22