
jsync / News: Recent posts

A long time later..

So after a every long time of development, i finished a new release for jsync.
There are a lot of changes an new options.
You should merge your jsync.conf because some options are gone and new options a created.
The new gc section in jsync.conf should only used if you really needs to release some space. But in normal cases it should set all options to false.

In this version i fixed some bad bugs in the file copy and merge code.
I hope the new version will help you so much like me.
jsync can used on big heaps of file.
Currently i manage 1,6 Terrabyte with jsync only.
This is a good work.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-08-01

First jsync release is planed

After a long time of development, i got a mail from an interested user.
He was searching for the jsync files.
Currently there was no release of jsync.
After some tests il will create the first package for the release.
But first i must do some tests and changes to the code.

At the moment i dont ship a Copy or Link of the Licence(GPL v3).
This is not the right way.
So i will change the heads of the code files, so it correct.
And a copy of the GPL will shipped with the final binary file.
One copy goes into the docs folder in the source repository.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-02-13

Much to do!

So i have a new version of jsync, that i must test.
If the new version can handle the file hashes, at the moment i only check the last modify date and the size of the file, then i will create a new version.

I still search for some translater for the Text for the output.
If someone has the time for that, then i have something to do for you :)

Posted by Anonymous 2009-08-27

First day of jsync

After a long Time of development, i decided to give jsync a chance with the GPL and Sourceforge.
I uploaded the source code and i send a request to the fsfe mailing list how i can make this project to a 100% GPL Project.

That not only means, that i give you the software + a license copy of the GPL.
I must add Comments to the Project so its definitly marked as GPL Software.

Another project i plan will allow me to create base Code from templates that is allready marked as GPL Code :)
So i can make GPL Development easier by software.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-19