
FeedBacks, Suggestions, Feature Requests

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-06-30

    Please switch to github, people can contribute easier over there I beleive.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2012-07-01

      Thanks for suggestion. Currently there are about 50 downloads per month, so I fear there are still very few people using this project and far less ones who wants to contribute. So I think I'll wait with proposed switching till there would be at least few potential contributors. :-)

      GitHub has bit more comfort for contributors, I believe, but SF has more features for end-users and project delivery.

      Currently there are several options:
      - if you want some minor change you may just tell me to do it;
      - or you can register at (which is simple enough) and tell me to add you to give rights to commit into repository;
      - you can write me about changes you want to make and we judge if it is sufficient reason to switch to github;
      - if you want some great changes, you may take project at whole and start new project based on it at any of popular sites / public repositories.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-08

    I want to ask if search engine will be able to index rotating links within the spere?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-01-09

      Thanks for your question. It was not intended for direct links traversable by search engines. But I think I should make necessary improvement by your hint. Thanks for your proposition, please come back in a few days - I hope I provide new version!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-09

    Thank you very much for your work! The code and appearance look very nice! Links indexing would really improve user ability to search through the content! ;)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-01-20

      Hi! I've done necessary changes, I think. Could you please test it before I put files in downloads?

      Get "cloud.js" and "test_seo.html" from repository:
      And see whether it is what you need. I've taught the cloud use the hyperlinks existing in container div (wrapped in spans), so that search engines should see it like a simple div with links (and also user without javascript will see it in this way).

      There is no way to specify "weights" inside spans/links, so they should be colorized simply by adding necessary styles/classes. Also callback function is not called when link is clicked, so link just does its work, as it should be.

      Older functionality is not changed, so that "tags" and "callback" options (and file "test.html") work as before.

      If it is possible, test it in IE. I've checked in Chrome and Firefox, but currently I have no IE at hand (though I can do it after tomorrow).

      Thanks in advance!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-28

    Hi Rodion,

    I actually was expecting the update in project news, but luckily finally got to check here )) You've done exactly what I suggested for you to be done, great job! I've tested the code in IE, it works just as fine as in Chrome! All links now can be easily accessed by search engines robots, making your nice widget more usable.

    If I have more thoughts about the projects - I'll let you know. Once again, thank you for your job, I wish you all the best!

    Kindest regards, Alexander

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-01-31

      Hi, thanks for your help! Meanwhile I myself found small issue - sizes of elements are not regarded when built from existing spans. I'll try to fix it in a few days (have a pressing business with some other project currently on my hands). I will make updates in "project news".

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-31

    Me again, I've noticed in test_seo.html you have the duplicate line: = "1px solid black";

    It's not very important, as this is only an example.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-01-31

      Thanks a lot. It is important enough since example should be clean and comprehensible. I will fix this in a few days. Best regards! :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-31
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-31

    Hi Rodion,

    I stumbled upon serious bug making the code unusable on almost any real web-site. The code is only working when web-page DOCTYPE is NOT declared. When you declare it as HTML or xHTML, for example <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> on first line, the script is experiencing problems with container's width and height adjustments printing out all the links at the same coordinates - init() function fails. I've found similar problems, but couldn't get working solution, though there are talks on forums like stackoverflow saying: doctype declaration makes the browser go into standard mode, rather than quirks mode. Anyway, this bug definitely needs to be fixed one day =) I'm not that proficient at JavaScript yet.

    Not to go too deep, it's easier to use working simplified init() procedure in search for solution:

    function init() {
    var clouder = document.getElementById('clouder'); = 200; //bug point = 200; //bug point

    window.clouder = new Clouder({
        container: clouder


    It works fine unless you set DOCTYPE for the page.
    I hope to hear from you soon,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-31

    Hi again!

    This is a nasty problem. Shame I did not found it - however when created this little thing I knew of javascript and html far less than now. I'll try to play with it and seek for some remedy. It seems of no use to provide "SEO-aware" version which fails with doctype definition. Also thanks for getting deep enough into the problem and giving nice explanations. Very kind of you! :)

    However I also thought now that perhaps I should in future provide jQuery-based variant of this utility (for people who anyway use jQuery in their pages - and I think there are many of them), which will help to reduce number of such tricky problems.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-01-15
    Post awaiting moderation.


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