James High - 2009-03-03

I am having an issue with V0.9.7 which is 100% reproducible. The same scenario works on the native speex implementation.

Steps to recreate :
I create a 30 second sine wave in audacity. (1Khz tone, sample rate at 8Khz or 22.05Khz)
I then encode it using the JSpeexEnc (-w --quality 10 )
I decode that file using JSpeexDec
The resulting wav file distorts after a few seconds and eventually to the degree that nothing can be heard.

My implementation suffers from the point where it cannot be heard as its a continuous stream and even if voice data were to start again the encoder doesn't recover, if the tone is not perfect (i.e. demodulator mismatch) it seems to give bad quality, which is understandable but the encoder never stops encoding.

Has anyone experienced this or is there some workaround? possibly something I am missing? As I mentioned, this works on the native implementation.