Iacopo Meladoro - 2011-06-05

Hi all, I'm having some trouble with jsMath fonts in Firefox and Chromium that I hope somebody can help me with.

The issue:  After installing the jsmath TrueType fonts (package ttf-jsMath 0.090709+0-1 in Ubuntu Linux 11.04), pages featuring jsMath TrueType fonts fail to recognize and use the jsMath-cmmib10 font even though it is correctly installed via the ttf-jsmath package. Same thing happens when installing the version of jsMath-cmmib10 obtained via the official download page.

This behavior has been verified on both Firefox 4.0.1 and Chromium 11.0.696.71 (86024).
It is reproducible always, simply by loading a page using the jsMath-cmmib10 font.

More information:  I have filed bug #3311978, which contains a fully detailed description of this problem. It seems warranted to treat this as a bug, because it involves jsMath failing to recognize a font that's correctly installed.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

  • m