
jpydbg / News: Recent posts

V0.0.18.5-1 : fixes NETBEANS 5.5.1 and 6.0 compatibilty

Following bugs are fixed by the new provided nbm package:
1) Installer complains about matching dependency :
Plugin JpyDbgForNetbeans cannot match its dependencies:
"module org.netbeans.modules.editor.hints/1 >"
2) set Breakpoints do not hit correctly.

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2007-07-19

V0.0.18.5 : fixes Python 2.5 compatibilty

The bug fixing release of jpydbg fixes a tiny debugging compliancy with last python 2.5 version of course previous versions of Python are still supported starting with 2.2

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-11-25

V 0.0.18 NETBEANS 6.0 compatible

On november first I have uploaded a new NBM versioned which is fixing a compatibility pb with NETBEANS 6.0 : the new NBM is 5.0 and 6.0 compatible

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-11-01

Version 0.0.18 of JpyDbg released

New stable version 0.0.18 of Jpy dbg is now available fror Netbeans , Jedit 4.2 and JEdit 4.3

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-10-29

Version 0.0.17 of jpydbg released

Version 0.0.17 of jpydbg released on May 19th 2006

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-05-18

Version 0.0.16 of jpydbg released

Bug fix version for Jedit plugin.

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-01-20

Jpydbg V0.0.14 released

This new version provides a Python development plugin for both NETBEANS and JEDIT ide.

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2006-01-07

Version 0.0.13 of Jpydbg released

Main improvement is GUI integration of Pylint within jpydbg + minors bug fixes

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2005-10-01

Version 0.0.12 of JpyDbg available

Lot of Usability improvements have been made in this version to provide better Python/Jython support from inside Jedit editor

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2005-09-20

Version 0.0.11 og jpydbg realeased

This version is a maintenance releases fixing tiny problems among which support of Python 2.4 ast tree to display Jedit sidekick tree infos(Thanks to Zachary MacGrew contribution on this topic)

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2005-06-10

Version 0.0.10 of jpydbg available

Main new feature of version 0.0.10 is both CPYTHON and JYTHON debugging support + debugging key customizations + ... bug fixes

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2005-02-05

Version 0.0.9 of JpyDbg now available

This version contains new features and bug fixes

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2004-09-18

jpydbg V0.0.8 bug fix release available

V0.0.8 is a maintenance bug fix which mainly fixes two existing V0.0.7 anoyances

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2004-08-04

JpyDbg Jedit V0.0.7 release available

This release makes minor enhancements and fixes

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2004-07-03

jpydbg Jedit V 0.0.6 Python debugger available

fixes and minor improvements release

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2004-03-28

jpydbg Jedit V 0.0.5 Python debugger available

This new release fixes debugger's daemon troubles and provide new graphical enhancements like ,
python syntax check on source change and a
syntax tree representation of the python module

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2004-02-12

jpydbg Jedit Python Debugger V 0.0.4 available

New version of jpydbg python debugging environment for JEdit
is available ; this version provides lot of enhancements( variable modification , remmote debugging , more coloring ... )

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2003-12-13

jpydbg-0.0.3 bug fix release availabe

Version 0.0.3 of jpydbg mainly fixes incompatibilities with the new version of jEdit 4.2 due to jEdit API changes

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2003-11-01

jpydbg V0.0.2

jpydbg V0.0.2 Python debugger pluggin for JEdit has been released

Posted by Jean-Yves MENGANT 2003-10-30