I am testing JPivot against SSAS 2005 for the cube 'Adventure Works DW'. I got the strange behavior of the navigator:
* Navigator does not consider the dimension at all. It relies on hierarchy. So it will be a problem for:
   # dimension having two or more hierarchy defined
   # two or more dimensions having same hierarchy name. Navigator displays duplicate name (for e.g '[Customer].address' and '[Reseller].address'. Navigator displays 'address' for both since both have the hierarchy name 'address')
   # clicking on such hierarchy gives invalid member listing.

* looks like JPivot assumes that each dimension always has only one hierarchy defined with similar name. I found that this is true in case for FoodMart 2000 cubes. So it works well with Foodmart 2000
* Why it uses the hierarchy caption for axis and slicer category items rather than dimension name.

Any sugestions...