
multilinugal again...

  • Ati Rosselet

    Ati Rosselet - 2005-09-07

    I've been trying to get Multilingual capability into mondrian/jpivot on a Data level.  I have a captionColumn for Levels working great, which allows the members of a Level to have the caption values (to be displayed) to come from a different column in the table than that from which the member's "names" come from.  Added to a dynamicSchemaProcessor, and it allows the use of captionColumn="%{level.captionColumn}", where the variable is replaced at run time from a properties file (at the mondrian level).  This all works fine since jpivot was already set up to check for captions, and if existing, display them instead.  The goal was to internationalize the displayed data without changing the underlying MDX (still uses the "name").

    I am, however running into problems with the Level properties... The problem seems to be that the caption overrides the name.. which is all good, but I also need to be able to have a valueCaption.. ie. define a column that the values of which will be displayed instead of the values in the specifies property "column".  So basically a Property need 2 kinds of captions, one for the name, and one for the value, (whereas a level only has one for itself, and one for the members).  I am trying to implement a valueCaption for the Property, but am having problems with it... probably mostly my fault (the structure of the mondrianProperty is complex..for me)
    ..  any suggestions? :)

    In any case... I also found the following:

    in  we have:
    if (label != null)
        name = label;
    props[i] = new MemberPropertyMeta(name, name, scope);

    should that not be:
    if (label==null)
    props[i] = new MemberPropertyMeta(label, name, scope);

    Also... can the wcf forms be multilingualized using a property file..(like via jsf) or is the only way to have multiple versions of each form?


    • Ati Rosselet

      Ati Rosselet - 2005-09-07

      eh.... sorry... for some reason I seem unable to spell multilingual :)


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