
Simple example for a JPF project

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-14

    hi all,
       Am new to JPF and the plugin architecture. Is there a Hello World example to create a new JPF project using eclipse or netbeans. I saw the tutorial for JPF-demo project, is there a tutorial for a new project ?


  • Cobus Stroebel

    Cobus Stroebel - 2010-07-15

    hi arnott,

    this forum is not really active, don't know why because I still think jpf is a great api to use.
    i don't think there is another tutorial besides the jpf-demo tutorial but I would like to give you a few tips.

    first it would be best if you start learning ant…to build your own projects. it makes a lot more sense if you know whats going on in the build.xml files. create your own build.xml file from the jpf-demo project and create a free form project from that build.xml file.

    i know reading gets most of us down but the demo-project is very well documented and if you go through it, you should be able to get started on your own project.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-15

    hi cobus,
            Thanks for your reply. Learning about 'ant build' is the right way to start, now jpf make more sense now.



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