
#79 Undo Image Delete Within JPEGView


Hello, love the program; nice and simple.
I would like to suggest to add an "undo delete" action within the application please.

So for example, I download batches of wallpaper images and delete some pictures that I don't like from that batch while looking at the images. So sometimes I tend to delete an image and have the next image load, and if I don't like this next one, I do the same and delete, etc.. So sometimes I do this process really quickly and accidentally delete a picture that I actually liked. When that happens, I have to minimize JPEGView and make the folder in Microsoft Windows active, and press Ctrl+Z to undo that delete.

I am wondering if you can add an option in "JPEGView.ini" that allows you to define an undo delete action in there, and one could modify the key that does that (I would just use Ctrl+Z since it's the standard).
So when I delete a picture in JPEGView, the next picture loads. Yet now when I press Ctrl+Z in JPEGView, then press the left arrow (previous picture), JPEGView will load that picture that I accidentally deleted and restore it back in the folder in Microsoft Windows as well.

Can you please consider this idea? Thanks so much!


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