Activity for JPEGView - Image Viewer and Editor

  • Ismael Ulmer Ismael Ulmer modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Same here! The lack of a 'Copy/Move to directory' option has been a real pain when trying to organize files. If you're looking to customize your hotkeys, you can edit the keymap.txt file—there are instructions inside that make it pretty straightforward. It’s been a game-changer for me! Picsart mod apk can solve your problems

  • Ismael Ulmer Ismael Ulmer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Same here! The lack of a 'Copy/Move to directory' option has been a real pain when trying to organize files. If you're looking to customize your hotkeys, you can edit the keymap.txt file—there are instructions inside that make it pretty straightforward. It’s been a game-changer for me!

  • ronaldo00 ronaldo00 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To copy or move files to a directory, you can customize your hotkeys by editing the keymap.txt file. Instructions for making these adjustments are included within the file itself. This allows you to efficiently sort and manage your files according to your preferred shortcuts.

  • ronaldo00 ronaldo00 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To copy or move files to a directory, you can customize your hotkeys by editing the keymap.txt file. Instructions for making these adjustments are included within the file itself. This allows you to efficiently sort and manage your files according to your preferred shortcuts.

  • Octavia Musician Octavia Musician modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion


  • stepan kana stepan kana created ticket #70

    JPEGView displays jpegs more saturated and contrasty than Windows 10 Photos or Adobe Photoshop

  • Illy Wu Illy Wu posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm finding that while going through my Android subfolders (while plugged into pc ofc), it jumps around to other photos that are not in the selected folder. I'm wondering if there is some sort of setting I can adjust to fix this; this does not appear to be an issue on any of my drives.

  • T M T M posted a comment on discussion Help

    1) I select part of an image and click Zoom to Selection 2) I adjust the zoom level with the mouse wheel On step 2 the cropped area changes. It looks like it reverts to the full image width. Is there a way to change this?

  • <REDACTED> modified a comment on ticket #143

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #143

    i made it myself

  • Lori Ortega Lori Ortega posted a comment on ticket #133

    Hey there! Your idea of adding a "Locate in File Explorer" feature to JPEGView sounds fantastic! It would indeed be a convenient addition, especially when dealing with a large number of images with cryptic filenames. I can totally relate to the struggle of finding that one special picture among many similar-looking files. The ease of accessing and copying the favorite image directly from JPEGView to a preferred location through File Explorer would undoubtedly enhance the user experience. I also appreciate...

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #143

    Edit : title need to fix " Zoom Like Feh"

  • <REDACTED> created ticket #143

    Zoom Life Feh

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes there is. It's & && will execute command 2 when command 1 is complete providing it didn't fail. & will execute regardless. example cmd /k echo hello && cd c:\ && cd Windows if first fails the second will not execute when using && cmd /k echo hello & cd c:\ && cd Windows when using & both commands will execute no matter if first command fails or succed and here is the solution for JPEGView first it create directore it dont matter if the command fail or succed then it will execute the moving jpeg...

  • kslc kslc created ticket #142

    not ask for "are you sure" for del button

  • Runaway Train Runaway Train created ticket #141

    Would love an ALT+M or ALT+C option while viewing images to bring up a move to or copy to dialog box as I am sometimes sorting images while viewing. Many thanks!

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Help

    @timmy1029 I noticed you added alwaysontop feature. I also added this with my fork and it's included in the release earlier this year

  • timmy1029 timmy1029 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Update: I was able to compile with the function uncommented out, it turned it was a casting issue after all. All I had to do was cast after the + 1 CString nextMRUEntry = CString((wchar_t)(mruList.GetAt(mruList.GetLength() - 1) + 1)); Still don't know if this breaks functionality, seems dangerous with it dealing with the registry.

  • timmy1029 timmy1029 posted a comment on discussion Help

    for some reason the last code line did not show up here it is ::SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, m_monitorRect.left,, m_monitorRect.Width(), m_monitorRect.Height(), SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOREDRAW);

  • timmy1029 timmy1029 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I managed to build the application from source but I had to comment out this function static void RegisterInMRU(LPCTSTR sRegMRUPath) {} in FileExtensionRegistry.cpp because of issues with CString on line 212 CString nextMRUEntry = CString((mruList.GetAt(mruList.GetLength() - 1) + 1)); I'm not really sure what exactly the error is but it might be something to do with my build, I changed the target to windows 10. There are two actual error codes E0309 more than one instance of constructor and Error...

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just pushed new code which allows you to do that... follow this discussion to see how you can activate this feature in the next release:

  • coffent coffent posted a comment on discussion Help

    Crop Mode allows fixed ratios such as 5:4, 4:3. How can one crop to portrait mode (4:5, 3:4)?

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on discussion Help

    Change in JPEGView.ini: NavigateWithMouseWheel=true

  • Norrin Radd Norrin Radd posted a comment on discussion Help

    How can I reassign / switch the Scroll Wheel control from zooming in and out, to moving to the next file in the directory? Not a developer but I can figure things out if I have to edit an ini file.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sure!, as a workaround you can edit JPEGView.ini and add the .ico extension to FilesProcessedByWIC: FilesProcessedByWIC=*.crw;*.wdp;*.hdp;*.jxr;*.jfif;*.jif;*.heic;*.heif;*.jpe;*.jp2;*.dng;*.avif;*.jxl;*.jxr;*.ico; Then .ico files will show up while navigating images. Be aware that if any filetype doesn't work when using WIC, it is most likely because there's a decoder missing in the system, particularly: avif, heic and jxl.

  • lvm_ lvm_ posted a comment on discussion Help

    When JPEGView is started in a folder containing multiple graphical files it is possible to navigate to the next or previous file with left or right key, but when doing so JPEGView skips *.ico files. It can show them when ico file is specified on the command line, only next/previous doesn't work. Is there a way to fix this?

  • Baptiste MÜLLER Baptiste MÜLLER posted a comment on ticket #126

    Hi! Up Up on this topic, maybe I have a chance to bring it back to life! I don't know if my explanation was clear enough. So I will do it again. Most of the camera embeded software have the ability to give a star amount to give a grade for each picture to retrieve more easily datas within the cameraroll. It would be AWESOME and pretty unic to add this option to your interface! THANKSSSS !

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    Ok.. If the AHK hotkey works for you, you have a solution.. I've tested it and can also be easily done in VBScript: '** '** Open file in JPEGView and bring it to the foreground: '** $ OpenJpegView.vbs file.jpg '** Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "D:\path\to\JPEGView.exe " & Wscript.Arguments(0), 9, False WScript.Sleep(20) objShell.AppActivate " - JPEGView" So this way you could associate your images with a VBScript instead.. if you have the patience to find...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    Ok.. If the AHK hotkey works for you, you have a solution.. I've tested it and can also be easily done in VBScript: '** '** Open file in JPEGView and bring it to the foreground: '** $ OpenJpegView.vbs file.jpg '** Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "D:\path\to\JPEGView.exe " & Wscript.Arguments(0), 9, False WScript.Sleep(20) objShell.AppActivate " - JPEGView" So this way you could associate your images with a VBScript instead.. if you have the patience to find...

  • David David posted a comment on ticket #140

    I appreciate, friend. This will help for the time being.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    Ok.. If the AHK hotkey works for you, you have a solution.. I've tested it and can also be easily done in VBScript: '** '** Open file in JPEGView and bring it to the foreground: '** $ OpenJpegView.vbs file.jpg '** Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "D:\path\to\JPEGView.exe " & Wscript.Arguments(0), 9, False WScript.Sleep(20) objShell.AppActivate "JPEGView" So this way you could associate your images with a VBScript instead.. if you have the patience to find the...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    Ok.. If the AHK hotkey works for you, you have a solution.. I've tested it and can also be easily done in VBScript: '** '** Open file in JPEGView and bring it to the foreground: '** $ OpenJpegView.vbs file.jpg '** Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "D:\path\to\JPEGView.exe " & Wscript.Arguments(0), 9, False WScript.Sleep(20) objShell.AppActivate "JPEGView" So this way you could associate your images with a VBScript instead.. if you have the patience to find to...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #140

    Ok.. If the AHK hotkey works for you, you have a solution.. I've tested it and can also be easily done in VBScript: '** '** Open file in JPEGView and bring it to the foreground: '** $ OpenJpegView.vbs file.jpg '** Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "D:\path\to\JPEGView.exe " & Wscript.Arguments(0), 9, False WScript.Sleep(20) objShell.AppActivate "JPEGView" So this way you could associate your images with a VBScript instead.. if you have the patience to find to...

  • David David posted a comment on ticket #140

    Thanks again for your reply and for the script. Yes, it's not related to my system. If you can see the GIF I supplied - JPEGView perfectly goes to the foreground on start but if I switch to another window it wont regain focus automatically when new images are opened, it wont " refresh " focus. Basically I thought maybe there is an easy solution to this without messing with focuses of the window - to close existing instance and open new one every time i click on other image. That would potentially...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    That's an odd behavior. I don't actually have JPEGView associated to test it, but it doesn't seem like an issue with JPEGView, but possibly with FileExplorer, Windows, or other program.. You could try running sfc /scannow in an elevated prompt and restarting.. Sometimes it fixes things. Important: I checked again and this is not an issue with Windows but normal JPEGView behavior. read my next comment for more info. I actually use AHK to bind both the MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON and NUMPAD ENTER to open folders...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #140

    Jaja, I've just adapted WinActivate into my AHK hotkeys and JPEGView now opens in the foreground.. I guess I hadn't realize I needed this too.. 👍

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    I'm sorry.. I checked again and you're right.. JPEGView does open files in the background (when it's already running). This is not an issue with Windows. Even with my alternative hotkeys JPEGView does open in the background. However, you could still use AHK for this functionality. Or a different software like XnViewMP whenever you want to have image previews.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    I'm sorry.. I checked again and you're right.. JPEGView does open files in the background (when it's already running). This is not an issue with Windows. Even with my alternative hotkeys JPEGView does open in the background. You could still use AHK for this functionality. Or a different software like XnViewMP whenever you want to have image previews.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    That's an odd behavior. I don't actually have JPEGView associated to test it, but it doesn't seem like an issue with JPEGView, but possibly with FileExplorer, Windows, or other program.. You could try running sfc /scannow in an elevated prompt and restarting.. Sometimes it fixes things. Important: I checked again and this is not an issue with Windows but normal JPEGView behavior. read my next comment for more info. I actually use AHK to bind both the MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON and NUMPAD ENTER to open folders...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #140

    I'm sorry.. I checked again and you're right.. JPEGView does open files in the background. It is not an issue with Windows. Even with my alternative hotkeys JPEGView does open in the background. You could still use AHK for this functionality. Or a different software like XnViewMP whenever you want to have image previews.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #140

    That's an odd behavior. I don't actually have JPEGView associated to test it, but it doesn't seem like an issue with JPEGView, but possibly with FileExplorer, Windows, or other program.. You could try running sfc /scannow in an elevated prompt and restarting.. Sometimes it fixes things. I actually use AHK to bind both the MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON and NUMPAD ENTER to open folders and filetypes with different programs. For example, I have all images associated with XnViewMP and all videos with PotPlayer,...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #140

    That's an odd behavior. I don't actually have JPEGView associated to test it, but it doesn't seem like an issue with JPEGView, but possibly with FileExplorer, Windows, or other program.. You could try running sfc /scannow in an elevated prompt and restarting.. Sometimes it fixes things. I actually use AHK to bind both the MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON and NUMPAD ENTER to open folders and filetypes with different programs. For example, I have all images associated with XnViewMP and all videos with PotPlayer,...

  • David David posted a comment on ticket #140

    Thanks for your reply. The images are associated with JPEGView and the program does open on double click. The program is configured to use one instance. What I mean is while we have one instance opened it doesn't regain focus on new images. In simple words - it doesn't move to the foreground to show us the new image as we would expect and if you have many windows obscuring it you wont see any reaction from JPEGView at all. Same if the program was minimized - it switches the images but stays minimized....

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #140

    If I understand correctly, you could associate image files with JPEGView and the program would activate when double clicking images.. You could also set file explorer to act on single clicks.. What you actually want could be achieved with some scripting with AutoHotkey and JPEGView.. Mind you.. JPEGView seems to be abandonware since 2018.

  • David David posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, can I toggle the bottom panel with hotkey while ShowBottomPanel=false? I tried IDM_SHOW_BOTTOM_PANEL and other variations in KeyMap.txt but doesn't seem to work.

  • David David created ticket #140

    Regain focus on new file open

  • John Smith John Smith created ticket #139

    Add more higher quality scaling algorithms.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #11

    You're welcome.. you just did.

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke posted a comment on ticket #11

    What's the proper way to indicate that the problem has been solved?

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke posted a comment on ticket #11

    I Finally found where the program is located. More importantly I found where the ini file is located. All this is shown on the attachment. I was able to change in the ini file to my liking. Thank you for your help. Jim

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #11

    As far as I know, JPEGView will only search for the config file in one of those two locations (APPDATA or the program folder). If the file is somewhere else I don't think any modification will be read. Bare in mind, if the file is in neither location you can just put it there and JPEGView will read it. If you want to reliably solve this, copy the JPEGView.ini into the same directory as JPEGView.exe (or copy and rename JPEGView.ini.tpl to JPEGView.ini for default parameters) and edit the following...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #11

    As far as I know, JPEGView will only search for the config file in one of those two locations (APPDATA or the program folder). If the file is somewhere else I don't think any modification will be read. Bare in mind, if the file is in neither location you can just put it there and JPEGView will read it. If you want to reliably solve this, copy the JPEGView.ini into the same directory as JPEGView.exe (or copy and rename JPEGView.ini.tpl to JPEGView.ini for default parameters) and edit the following...

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke posted a comment on ticket #11

    Thanks for the quick reply.I couldn't find JEPGView anywhere in appdata. I tried searching my computer for JPEGView.ini in "my computer". I found 4 occurrences of that file 2 of which were in English. I set the show setting to false In both of them but the program still opens in full-screen. I looked in both of my program folders but I couldn't find the program in either of them. It looks like we are still at square one. Jim B.. On Sunday, December 19, 2021, 12:30:03 PM EST, Melvin Nava <>...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #11

    Sure, just edit JPEGView.ini: ShowFullScreen=false The file could be found either on "%APPDATA%\JPEGView" or where the program is located, depending on how you have it configured.

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke modified a comment on ticket #11

    JEPJView should read JPEGView

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke posted a comment on ticket #11

    JEPJ should read JPEG.

  • Jim Birke Jim Birke created ticket #11

    Changing the way JPEJView opens,

  • Holger Drechsler Holger Drechsler posted a comment on discussion Help

    May be that it is the cause. Now I found out that it works when I use the Fullscreen button in the on screen menu and not the F11 key for fullscreen mode. After that I can spread the image over all screens with the F12 key. Thank you for your answer. I will try it if .

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on discussion Help

    Perhaps your F12 hotkey is being captured by a different application. Try changing the IDM_SPAN_SCREENS in KeyMap.txt, perhaps to [Ctrl+F11]: <KeyMap.txt> F11 IDM_FULL_SCREEN_MODE Ctrl+F11 IDM_SPAN_SCREENS

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on discussion Help

    Check if you have enabled any additional color or effect options in JPEGView.ini and try disabling them.. for instance: Contrast Saturation UseEmbeddedColorProfiles AutoContrastCorrection AutoBrightnessCorrection LocalDensityCorrection

  • Holger Drechsler Holger Drechsler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, since a while F12 doesnt span the image over my 3 monitors in full screen mode . Normally I used F11 at first for full screen mode and then F12 to span over all monitors. Now the image flickers a very short time on the left monitor (about 0,1 sec.) The image on the middle monitor remains in its size and position. I switched also of my multiple screen software UltraMon with no success. When I use the windowed mode of JPEGview it spans the images above all monitors. Months ago I used also Display...

  • Milos Vajdic Milos Vajdic modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I use sRGB mode on the monitor and images in JPEGview look different than when viewed in Photoshop or Windows Photos etc. Image looks more vibrant and I actually like it, but my clients view the image like it is on the right side (attached file). I tried to 'save processed file' but it still appears as on the right, not like on the left when viewed in JPEGview. Can anyone help me determine what settings other than saturation I need to tweak in Photoshop to get the same result? Can this be...

  • Milos Vajdic Milos Vajdic posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I use sRGB mode on the monitor and images in JPEDview look different than when viewed in Photoshop or Windows Photos etc. Image looks more vibrant and I actually like it, but my clients view the image like it is on the right side (attached file). I tried to 'save processed file' but it still appears as on the right, not likie on the left when viewed in JPEGview. Can anyone help me determine what settings other than saturation I need to tweak in Photoshop to get the same result? Can this be...

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't added any formats to JPEGView yet. Looks like AVIF and JPEGXL is the most in demand

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #65

    Can you make a black and white version that matches the style of the existing ones? The blue gradient color would certainly look out of place on the bar

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #69

    Mmm, interesting.. thank you for the tip.. I just tried it and it works. I haven't seen that feature in JPEGView (or any other viewer). But you could use ImageGlass when you need it. Just create an additional context menu for images.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #69

    Mmm, interesting.. thank you for the tip.. I just tried it and it works. But I haven't seen that feature in JPEGView (or any other viewer). But you could use ImageGlass when you need it. Just create an additional context menu for images.

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon posted a comment on ticket #69

    "ImageGlass" does that.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #69

    Is there any image viewer that does that at all?.. You can set the default order in JPEGView.ini(FileDisplayOrder).. You can also set hotkeys in KeyMap.txt to change faster the current display order.. With this you'd just have to press C to order by creation date, N by Name or S by Size. C IDM_SORT_CREATION_DATE M IDM_SORT_MOD_DATE N IDM_SORT_NAME R IDM_SORT_RANDOM S IDM_SORT_SIZE Note: Make sure no other hotkey is using the same shortcuts. I don't think there's any image viewer (that I know of)...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #69

    Is there any image viewer that does that at all?.. You can set the default order in JPEGView.ini(FileDisplayOrder).. You can also set hotkeys in KeyMap.txt to change faster the current display order.. With this you'd just have to press C to order by creation dat, N by Name or S by Size. C IDM_SORT_CREATION_DATE M IDM_SORT_MOD_DATE N IDM_SORT_NAME R IDM_SORT_RANDOM S IDM_SORT_SIZE Note: Make sure no other hotkey is using the same shortcuts. I don't think there's any image viewer (that I know of) that...

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon created ticket #69

    "next image" does not follow windows explorer "sort by" preference.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #67

    You can create a text file with list of image paths and open that text file with JPEGView.. it will loop thru those images, given that they exist. JPEGView filelist.txt You could make a batch file, a VBSript or other script to create the file list automatically from a selection.. Keep in mind that if you use a Windows context menu for this purpose, each file you select in explorer is sent to the destination program individually and thus it can't be used to create file lists. You'd need yet another...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #67

    You can create a text file with list of image paths and open that text file with JPEGView.. it will loop thru those images, given that they exist. JPEGView filelist.txt You could make a batch file, a VBSript or other script to create the file list automatically from a selection.. Keep in mind that if you use a Windows context menu for this purpose, each file you select in explorer is sent to the destination program individually and thus it can't be used to create file lists. You'd need yet another...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #67

    You can create a text file with list of image paths and open that text file with JPEGView.. it will loop thru those images, given that they exist. JPEGView filelist.txt You could make a batch file, a VBSript or other script to create the file list automatically from a selection.. Keep in mind that if you use a Windows context menu for this purpose, each file you select in explorer is sent to the destination program individually and thus it can't be used to create file lists. You'd need yet another...

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon created ticket #68

    make "1:1 Actual size of the image (space)" zoom always to the center

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon posted a comment on ticket #67

    wow i cant edit or delete a ticket! OK so "SingleInstance=true" & "SingleFullScreenInstance=true" settings ARE working. I didn't understand their true function. But multiple selected images are still not opening on a single instance and looping like i wrote in the ticket.

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon created ticket #67

    multiple images not opening on a single instance . "SingleInstance=true" setting not working.

  • Greg Dillon Greg Dillon posted a comment on ticket #65

    this would be easier to understand

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #66

    You can change JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) file extensions to .JPG safely. If you still want JPEGView to read .JFIF files from the directory you can try to add the file extension to the "FilesProcessedByWIC" option found in the "JPEGView.ini" config file. Something like this: FilesProcessedByWIC=*.wdp;*.hdp;*.jxr;*.jfif Please note that changing the file extensions to JPEG might be preferable. JPEGView uses by default an integrated Turbo JPEG library to open jpeg files, which is a little...

  • JardaG JardaG created ticket #66

    JFIF files are ignored when browsing directory, but viewable directly

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava posted a comment on ticket #133

    I just updated the VBS code above to support multiple file selection.. Copying the code into a .vbs file and giving multiple files or sub-folders as argument (within the same path) will open an existing QTabBar tab with the specified items selected. If no active tab has the required path it will open a new tab. Is not really complex. It just requires QTabBar to be installed and an entry added to JpegView sending the current opened file to the VBScript file.

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #133

    You may be able to do that with VBScript, or more easily with AutoHotkey, since you can use all COM objects available in your system (like in VBScript) but it also has very useful features you can use to detect and activate specific windows. I did make a VBScript that does what you're asking for, but it requires the "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" object. This is included when you install QTTabBar so you have to decide if it works for you.. Updated 2021-07-19: The next example takes a full path+filename...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #133

    You may be able to do that with VBScript, or more easily with AutoHotkey, since you can use all COM objects available in your system (like in VBScript) but it also has very useful features you can use to detect and activate specific windows. I did make a VBScript that does what you're asking for, but it requires the "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" object. This is included when you install QTTabBar so you have to decide if it works for you.. Updated 2021-07-19: The next example takes a full path+filename...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #133

    You may be able to do that with VBScript, or more easily with AutoHotkey, since you can use all COM objects available in your system (like in VBScript) but it also has very useful features you can use to detect and activate specific windows. I did make a VBScript that does what you're asking for, but it requires the "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" object. This is included when you install QTTabBar so you have to decide if it works for you.. Updated 2021-07-19: The next example takes a full path+filename...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #133

    You may be able to do that with VBScript, or more easily with AutoHotkey, since you can use all COM objects available in your system (like in VBScript) but it also has very useful features you can use to detect and activate specific windows. I did make a VBScript that does what you're asking for, but it requires the "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" object. This is included when you install QTTabBar so you have to decide if it works for you.. Updated 2021-07-19: The next example takes a full path+filename...

  • Melvin Nava Melvin Nava modified a comment on ticket #133

    You may be able to do that with VBScript, or more easily with AutoHotkey, since you can use all COM objects available in your system (like in VBScript) but it also has very useful features you can use to detect and activate specific windows. I did make a VBScript that does what you're asking for, but it requires the "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" object. This is included when you install QTTabBar so you have to decide if it works for you.. Updated 2021-07-19: The next example takes a full path+filename...

  • poleaboo poleaboo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to add support for AVIF files?

  • David Stafford David Stafford modified a comment on discussion Help

    Oh, that'd be just awesome! Created one now 😃

  • David Stafford David Stafford modified a comment on discussion Help

    Oh, that'd be just awesome! Created one now 😃 (

  • David Stafford David Stafford posted a comment on discussion Help

    Oh, that'd be just awesome! Created one now 😃

  • maraskan-user maraskan-user posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @SylikC It can't be found anywhere, I'm afraid. I took a sledge hammer to the original code and trew out anything I didn't use in order to easier understand the workings of and experiment with the remaining parts. My main concern was the inclusion of a more correct resampling for line art (e.g. comics and manga) in linear space ( lines will always come out too dark when calculated in log space), since no image viewer in existence seemed to do that either. It's a minimalist viewer with no user interface,...

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #137

    @Leandro I'll incorporate a multires icon into my fork if you come up with one. Preferably the same icon JPEGView's been using for years, one we know and love though You can post it on my GitHub fork so I can incorporate it easily from there.

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #138

    Interesting, if you have any idea how to implement this I can include your source :D ... I started a fork though I don't know how to implement this at the moment

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #63

    Hmm, let me try to reproduce this bug. I'm not the main dev either, but I started a GitHub fork hoping to attract developers

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #65

    Yeah, I admit it's a bit confusing too, do you have any ideas for what would be simple but easy to understand? I can implement it in my fork

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on ticket #64

    I could try to see what is crashing... or where it's crashing. can you post your files (or how to generate them) somewhere and create an issue on JPEGView GitHub fork?

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @maraskan-user a fork you have, you say... I'm interested! Where can I find your fork? Does it have new features? I've started a fork myself and looking for help :D

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I thought about this... maybe have a filelist to load from. I'll look into implementing multi file select on my JPEGView GitHub fork

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Help

    I find this interesting as an idea too... while it would be nice to have the same sort order as Explorer, I don't know if any external programs do that. If you find one, and it's open source, perhaps I can help implement it at my JPEGView GitHub Fork

  • SylikC SylikC posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can possibly try to make a change to this interval at my fork if you could open an issue there it would be great and we could go about discussing idea and stuff

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