
Some changes

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am looking a way to send the source code of my changes, I have tried to send e-mails but nobody reply, so I am trying this forum.

    This was my e-mail:

    "I tried to send to but the list
    reject files, so I decided to send to developers:

    Hi, I have started to use this framework and I think it is very
    useful, thank you!
    I think the framework was missing some important negative assertions
    then I have implemented them and I took the oportunity to fix some
    gramatical errors.

    I have added all comments in Version.txt file like version 0.94.

    I hope I have contribute

    • Benjamin B. Bratkus

      hi paulo,

      right, the users list do not accept any attatchments. this weekend i ll have a look at your commits. really interested in. thanks for your commitments anyway.



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