
#6 Tcp Flags, Options and general Checksum functions?

Yuqing Mai

TCP ECN control flags check functions needed - RFC
3168. Basically just the CWR and ECE flags. They are very
useful when detecting congestion control as well as security
related apps (NMAP) stuff shows up.

Currently there are no TCP Options support. Only way to do
this is getTCPHeaderData() and grab the bytes out one by
one myself. Unfortunately the getXXXData functions are not
documented and some are not working correctly which is
another problem.

Lastly, it would be great to have some built-in checksum
functions. such as tcpCheckSum, udpChecksum, etc. To
see if we are receiving malform packets.


  • patrick charles

    patrick charles - 2004-02-25
    • milestone: 122400 --> v0.01.15
  • patrick charles

    patrick charles - 2004-02-25

    Logged In: YES

    Checksum functions are now available.

    e.g. TCPPacket.getTCPChecksum(), UDPPacket.getUDPChecksum().

    If any data functions are not working properly, please open a bug.

    I'll look into accessors for the control flags. I think there's a patch in
    the queue to add tcp options access.

  • EJP

    EJP - 2008-08-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The checksum functions have been completely revised for the upcoming version 2.0. Various errors in both these and the various getData() methods have been corrected.


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