
Tree [8e2beb] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 bin 2003-06-18 rjrodger rjrodger [4e3127] no message
 conf 2010-04-16 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [27881b] groovy
 doc 2006-05-26 rjrodger rjrodger [c9e495] no message
 examples 2010-04-16 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [27881b] groovy
 format 2010-04-20 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [8e2beb] fixes for runtests; added main.EnableTemplateConf
 lib 2010-04-20 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [8e2beb] fixes for runtests; added main.EnableTemplateConf
 man 2006-05-26 rjrodger rjrodger [c9e495] no message
 research 2002-08-04 rjrodger rjrodger [82f93a] no message
 src 2010-04-20 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [8e2beb] fixes for runtests; added main.EnableTemplateConf
 templates 2006-01-19 rjrodger rjrodger [40d64f] no message
 test 2006-05-26 rjrodger rjrodger [c9e495] no message
 tmp 2003-02-23 rjrodger rjrodger [be6b14] no message
 tst 2010-03-15 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [74f345] tree and groovy
 .classpath 2010-04-16 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [27881b] groovy
 .gitignore 2010-04-16 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [27881b] groovy
 .project 2009-07-23 rjrodger rjrodger [6fb040] no message
 CHANGELOG.txt 2006-05-26 rjrodger rjrodger [c9e495] no message
 INSTALL.txt 2006-01-19 rjrodger rjrodger [40d64f] no message
 LICENSE-ANT.txt 2001-10-28 rjrodger rjrodger [4dcde7] checkstyle
 LICENSE-ANTLR.txt 2001-10-28 rjrodger rjrodger [4dcde7] checkstyle
 LICENSE-APACHE.txt 2003-08-29 rjrodger rjrodger [745d54] no message
 LICENSE-CHECKSTYLE.txt 2001-10-28 rjrodger rjrodger [4dcde7] checkstyle
 LICENSE-JUNIT.htm 2001-10-28 rjrodger rjrodger [4dcde7] checkstyle
 LICENSE-JYTHON.txt 2004-12-02 rjrodger rjrodger [c5f87e] no message
 LICENSE.txt 2001-07-30 rjrodger rjrodger [46c7ab] initial
 README.txt 2006-01-19 rjrodger rjrodger [40d64f] no message
 ant.bat 2003-05-24 rjrodger rjrodger [133e61] antlr-2.7.2 2003-02-17 rjrodger rjrodger [d8d847] no message
 build.xml 2010-04-16 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [27881b] groovy 2006-05-21 rjrodger rjrodger [b1a525] no message
 setup.bat 2002-07-28 rjrodger rjrodger [005eee] no message 2002-07-28 rjrodger rjrodger [005eee] no message
 this-is-jostraca-0-4-1 2006-01-19 rjrodger rjrodger [44e1e2] no message
 this-is-jostraca-0-5-0 2010-04-20 Richard Rodger Richard Rodger [8e2beb] fixes for runtests; added main.EnableTemplateConf

Read Me

  Jostraca 0.4.1 README

  Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Richard Rodger

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


  Welcome to Jostraca!

  To install please read the INSTALL.txt file which gives detailed
  instructions and a quick summary of the installation procedure.

  If you wish to submit a bug report please visit the web site at or send an email to

  For comments and suggestions visit or send an email to

  For help and documentation see the doc folder included in this
  distribution or visit
  Read the faq at or join the mailing
  lists at
  WARNING! This is free (beer and speech) software - it may completely
  destroy everything on your system. Use only in a test environment
  until you are sure you know what you are doing. While the software
  has been tested this is no guarantee of anything. THIS SOFTWARE IS

  Thanks for your support!
  The Jostraca Team


  A Brief Introduction

  Jostraca is a code generation toolkit written in Java. It can solve
  any code generation problem because it uses existing languages to
  build the code. In much the same way that JSP and ASP build HTML,
  Jostraca allows any language to build any other language (with a bit
  of work, of course :).

  Templates are used to create a JostracaCodeWriter program which then
  writes the generated code. This system is inherently flexible
  because you can hack it at any point to your own needs.


  Please read the INSTALL.txt file for full instructions.

  Quick Summary:

  1. Unpack the distribution.
  2. cd into the distribution folder (jostraca-x.y.z). 
     On Windows, run the command 'setup'.
     On Unix, run the command 'sh'.
  3. To check the installation, run the command: 'jostraca -check'



  Documentation supplied with the distribution can be found in the doc
  subfolder. Open README.htm to get started. Visit the site for updates and mailing lists. Contributions
  to the documentation (extra tutorials and articles) are especially
  welcome - email


  Upgrading from Previous Releases

  Release 0.3.x:

  Simply follow the installation instructions.

  Release 0.2.x:

  Simply follow the installation instructions. There are no syntax
  changes between the 0.2 and 0.3 releases.

  Release 0.1.0a:

  Jostraca 0.2 can still use version 0.1 templates, although the
  syntax has changed. You may experience some minor difficulties.

  Rename any 'jostraca.bat' batch files or 'jostraca' shell scripts
  that are currently in use, so that they will not conflict with the
  new versions. There is no need to delete the old installation - just
  rename the Jostraca home folder to something like:
  jostraca-0.1.0a-off. This way you can reactivate it if necessary.

  Downgrading to Previous Releases

  Follow the installation instructions for the given release.


  Obtaining the Latest Release

  The latest release is always available from
  by HTTP download. Jostraca is not available by FTP.



  This project is still in an initial development phase so
  contributions, suggestions and criticism are always welcome.
  Orla Shanaghy provided technical and editorial assistance with the

  Derek Conniffe helped build the server and suffered numerous daft
  hardware questions (which way does the motherboard go?).

  Lars Grammel wrote the ant task.

  Tim Buchalka wrote the build.xml file.

  Chris Perdue wrote the CommandRunner component.

  Richard Rodger wrote the original version and maintains the code.

  Bug Reports:
  Mitko Ruerup
  Romeo Kienzler  
  Parag Alurkar

  Eoin Shanaghy
  Paul Denby
  Godfrey Nolan
  Alaister Moull
  Conor Wyse
