
PleaseSuggest neural net parameter - joone NN

  • Rajesh

    Rajesh - 2006-12-21

    I am a beginner in using joone APIs for building neural network. I have a problem and I am planning to use neural network.

    My data is something like below. Each input is separated by semicolon for joone APIs file.
    For simplicity I gave one few inputs. Puts can be as high as 40.

    Input: 1;-20;2;-40;3;-30;4;-50;
    output: 1 (or binary represented as 0001)

    Input: 1;-20;2;-80;4;-50;5;-100
    output: 3 (or binary represented as 0011)

    My problem is for a given input, I must find a close match to the output. Input could differ little bit and network is smart enough to pick best output.

    I started from XOR problem and it worked. I modified the program for this problem. I get high error rate and not useful. I am using sigmoid transfer, full synapse, 1 input + 2 hidden layers + 1 output layer, number of neurons in hidden layer is same as input, momentum is 0.3, learning rate 0.8, number of output neuron 4 for binary representation of output. I tried using many hidden layers like 10 or  20 and didnot help and now at 4. I tried epochs from 1000 to 10000. For each iterartion the error rate is reducing but only at 5 decimal digit or more. So very slow learning process.

    Can someone experienced guide me on what I can try to improve. Error rate now is 0.727.
    Any suggestions on changing the network parameters or how to approach to solve this is appreciated.


    • puyan

      puyan - 2007-01-10

      Hi there, did have tried to change number of neurons in your hidden layer?
      test a RBF network with just one hidden layer and gauß-function as activation function. maybe it will help you.

      best regards


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