
Ambilight API not ok 55PFL8°°8K

  • Pacpac

    Pacpac - 2014-03-19

    Hi all,

    I'm new to this forum and was very excited one hour ago to be able to play with the TV API. Sadly, things are not as they should be.

    What i can say so far :

    • i have access to the REST API:
            "country": "France", 
            "menulanguage": "French", 
            "model": "55PFL8008K/12", 
            "name": "Tele", 
            "serialnumber": ".......", 
            "softwareversion": "QF2EU-"
    • i can POST on volume API and see changes on volume value/mute status on the TV

    • i can GET ambilight cached data (zero everywhere) or GET processed / measured values (non zero values)

    • i can POST the mode to be manual (pixels are turning off), and check that the new mode is ok with a GET

    • BUT, if i try to POST new pixels values into the cached :
      . the reply is an HTTP 200 "<html><head>Ok</head><body>Ok</body></html>"
      . pixels are not changed
      . A GET on /cached still returns zeros.

    To confirm the problem :
    - i have access to the demo page http://...ip...:1925/1/examples/ambilight/ambilight.html
    but JS code seems buggy, and anyway changes are not being reflected to the TV ambilight pixels.
    - no changes with the code found on : code is executing but no changes on TV.

    Any idea ?
    Tx for help

    • Pacpac

      Pacpac - 2014-07-21

      It appeared that after some firmware release, i was able to make it work without any change on my side. Let's hope this is permanent.

      And since then, as said in another post, i could build a cool library to pilot the Ambilight leds :



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