
syntax highlighting

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2018-05-12

    Is there a way to disable all syntax highlighting?

    I am using joe for more than 10 years now and xterm paste never worked together with syntax highlighting... because it does not carriage returns when i paste into joe with syntax highlighting one linefeeds...

    so i would like to know how to disable any syntax highlighting.. or i'll have to downgrade so my config works again...

    be aware: joe -syntax none (empty syntax file) only works for the first file when i open multiple files at ones...

    thank you very much

  • John J. Jordan

    John J. Jordan - 2018-05-12

    The option you're looking for is highlight. Specifying --highlight either in joerc or on the command line ought to flip it off globally.

  • John J. Jordan

    John J. Jordan - 2018-05-12

    Further, I'm not exactly sure what the issue you're having with paste is. It would be helpful if you could illustrate with an example.

    If it is, as you referenced on another thread, an issue with indentation, that should have been fixed in 4.0 with bracketed paste. It would have required some changes to your config -- search the latest config for brpaste to see the relevant lines. Note that the terminal emulator must also support this feature. Otherwise, pre-4.0 I used to turn off autoindent ^T I prior to pasting blocks into JOE.

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2018-05-13

    Yea. My problem was with indentation. It didn't happen without syntax highlighting so i never used it. I also believe that no syntax highlight forces people to write better and smaller code.

    I am sorry if I might have sounded a little bit whiny. I am finally updating distro because i need kmsdrm now and the user-space dissapoints even pessimists.

    It looks like i'll have to fork even fvwm to make my config work properly again.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2018-05-13

    This is my ~/.joerc now. I am using joe 3.7 as in distro.

    --highlight doesn't seem to disable syntax highlight.

    What am I doing wrong?

    :include /etc/joe/joerc 
    save            ^K X
    save            ^K ^X
    save            ^K x
    bol,"/","/",dnarw,bol   .k1
    dellin          .k2
    deleol          .k3
    eol,"\\","n","\\",dnarw,eol     .k4
    bol,"r","m"," ",dnarw,bol       .k5
    bol,delch,delch,delch,delch,bol,dnarw   .k6
    -lmsg \i%k%T%W%I%X %n %m%R %M
    -rmsg  %S Row %r Col %c %t  Ctrl-K H for help
  • John J. Jordan

    John J. Jordan - 2018-05-13

    Unfortunately, that :include won't do what you want. The config file is segmented into parts, and --highlight has to appear in the first section -- it won't get interpreted properly in the last.

    I suggest you copy the joerc to your home directory and modify it from there (yes, we know -- this is the source of a lot of user complaints). That said, you could also just move it above the :include.

  • John J. Jordan

    John J. Jordan - 2018-05-13

    I'd also suggest you consider 3.8, if you're unhappy with the 4.x series for whatever reason. There were no new features and many bugfixes in that release.

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2018-05-13

    Alright. It works again.

    I wasn't aware all this time that there is a difference between -highlight and --highlight. My config might have been broken and accidently have disabled it or something.

    So I turned my ~/.joerc into a diff patch now and I'll check out 3.8 later...

    Thanks again.


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