Rob Centros - 2018-04-29

*On my desktop I'm using JOE (Jstar) 3.5. On my laptop I have a newer version of Linux Mint and it uses JOE 4.1. In my text files I sometimes need to search for CAPS (actually the CAP / newline combo). In JOE 3.5 this was done using the following syntax [A-Z]\n — how is this done in the new syntax of JOE 4.1? I realize the new JOE is more Regex compliant, but I don't know Regex and my text searching needs are very limited. The search help file in Jstar 4.1 shows a set search with the same syntax as above — i.e., [A-Z] — but I can't make it work. I've also tried "\?" and "\" and "+" — but no luck. Thanks for any help.

(My "\" has disappeared in a few places (above) and I can't make it stick, it's being "corrected" out, even with the quotes The [A-Z] combo is supposed to have "\" in front of it wherever it shows up.)

EDIT: It turns out it was a bug in either JOE 4.1 or the specific version of JOE 4.1 in the Ubuntu 16.04 repository. Once I upgraded to JOE 4.4 (using the .deb package for Ubuntu 17.04 or 17.10 — can't remember which now) everything worked again as it did in 3.5. Sorry for the trouble.


Last edit: Rob Centros 2018-05-01