
Java Ogame Battle Simulator / News: Recent posts


In the past months serveral persons offered to help with l10n in various languages - but until now this lead nowhere. If there's the need I may considern adding support for i18n ... please contact me if You'd like to have JOBSim translated and are willing to put some effort into it.

Posted by apexo 2005-11-23

big fat warning

although simulation results have somehow improved in v0.66.2 there's still some discrepancy between simulated and "real" battles ...

so don't blame me if you lose your fleet :)

Posted by apexo 2005-01-09

Up and (still) alive

Here we go - yet another battle simulator for ogame. Just made some initial project setup; cvs uploads (and maybe file uploads) will probably happen tomorrow.

Posted by apexo 2005-01-06