
#457 SRCP sensors not saved

SRCP (1)

Created SRCP sensors at the sensor table are after saving and reopening lost. No problem with internal sensors. SRCP sensor are not listed in the .xml file.
I am using 3.4 production release on a mac os x 10.9


Bugs: #457


  • Bob Jacobsen

    Bob Jacobsen - 2013-11-17

    Could reproduce in a quick test.

    Could you check the error log to see if anything is being displayed there? That might give a clue.


    On Nov 17, 2013, at 3:34 AM, "Ticket 457" wrote:

    [bugs:#457] SRCP sensors not saved

    Status: open
    Labels: SRCP
    Created: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:33 AM UTC by Anonymous
    Last Updated: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:33 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Created SRCP sensors at the sensor table are after saving and reopening lost. No problem with internal sensors. SRCP sensor are not listed in the .xml file.
    I am using 3.4 production release on a mac os x 10.9

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

    Bob Jacobsen

  • Eric van der Hoek

    22:33:01.591 ( 98775) WARN [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Found sensor via system name (IS1) with non-null user name (Internal_1)
    22:33:03.595 (100779) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 10 N
    consecutive timeouts = 4
    22:33:05.600 (102784) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 2 N
    consecutive timeouts = 5
    22:33:07.604 (104788) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 3 N
    consecutive timeouts = 6
    22:33:09.608 (106792) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 4 N
    consecutive timeouts = 7
    22:33:11.612 (108796) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 5 N
    consecutive timeouts = 8
    22:33:13.616 (110800) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 6 N
    consecutive timeouts = 9
    22:33:15.622 (112806) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 7 N
    consecutive timeouts = 10
    22:33:17.626 (114810) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: INIT 1 GA 8 N
    consecutive timeouts = 11
    22:34:05.531 (162715) INFO [Listed Table Generation] - Initialised JOAL using OpenAL: vendor - Apple Computer Inc. version - 1.1
    22:34:19.985 (177169) WARN [Transmit] - Timeout on reply to message: GET 1 FB 1
    consecutive timeouts = 12
    22:35:14.758 (231942) ERROR [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Cannot load configuration adapter for jmri.jmrix.srcp.SRCPSensorManager due to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jmri.jmrix.srcp.configurexml.SRCPSensorManagerXml
    22:35:14.760 (231944) ERROR [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Cannot store configuration for jmri.jmrix.srcp.SRCPSensorManager

    Errors created during saving of the xml file. Hope this will help.

    Thx, Eric

    • Bob Jacobsen

      Bob Jacobsen - 2013-12-02

      On Nov 18, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Eric van der Hoek wrote:

      22:35:14.758 (231942) ERROR [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Cannot load configuration adapter for jmri.jmrix.srcp.SRCPSensorManager due to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jmri.jmrix.srcp.configurexml.SRCPSensorManagerXml
      22:35:14.760 (231944) ERROR [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Cannot store configuration for jmri.jmrix.srcp.SRCPSensorManager

      Errors created during saving of the xml file. Hope this will help.

      Should be fixed now, but I don't have a reliable way to test it (no SRCP connection available).

      Please download the next CI build from

      try it, and let me know. Thanks!

      (Any build number greater than 233 will have the fix, as it should show up in 234 later this evening)


      Bob Jacobsen

  • Eric van der Hoek

    Thx Bob,

    Issue is fixed now. Sensor table is saved and can be loaded again. Wrt to SRCP I have seen no regressions so far but have to say as well that I am not able yet to do a complete SRCP test. I am working on SRCP server on a raspberry PI and at the moment only able to receive SRCP commands. But so far connection setup, turnout setting and sensor setting seem to work.

    I had problems though by setting color for active/occupied block (created/edit block mask), but changing from german to english language this seems to work as well.

    KR, Eric

    • Bob Jacobsen

      Bob Jacobsen - 2013-12-07

      Thanks for info!

      Let me know if (when?) you find other issues with SRCP. That's not my code, but I'd like it to work well.

      On the color & German/English issue, you might want to either open a bug about that or (better) send a note to the jmriuser or jmri_developer lists.


      On Dec 6, 2013, at 11:07 PM, Eric van der Hoek wrote:

      Thx Bob,

      Issue is fixed now. Sensor table is saved and can be loaded again. Wrt to SRCP I have seen no regressions so far but have to say as well that I am not able yet to do a complete SRCP test. I am working on SRCP server on a raspberry PI and at the moment only able to receive SRCP commands. But so far connection setup, turnout setting and sensor setting seem to work.

      I had problems though by setting color for active/occupied block (created/edit block mask), but changing from german to english language this seems to work as well.

      KR, Eric

      [bugs:#457] SRCP sensors not saved

      Status: open
      Labels: SRCP
      Created: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:33 AM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Mon Nov 18, 2013 09:52 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Created SRCP sensors at the sensor table are after saving and reopening lost. No problem with internal sensors. SRCP sensor are not listed in the .xml file.
      I am using 3.4 production release on a mac os x 10.9

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Bob Jacobsen



      Bugs: #457

  • Bob Jacobsen

    Bob Jacobsen - 2014-01-13
    • status: open --> closed