
#191 bonds ID numbers


it would very nice if it could tell us the definition of bond ID numbers.

I want to use the bond ID numbers to set the color of each bonds.
But can not make sure of the bond ID numbers is represent which bonds.
So I can not continue my work.

the *.spt file can set up the color of bonds like this:

select BONDS ({0:100});
color bonds opaque [0,200,0];
select BONDS ({101});
color bonds opaque [200,100,0];


  • Egon Willighagen

    berlin222, thanx for posting here. Got your email, but my reply was bounced.

  • Egon Willighagen

    BTW, Robert replied on the developers ML:

    "You most easily select bonds using:

    x = {atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds

    or the like."

  • berlin

    berlin - 2011-10-27

    egonw, thanks you very much.
    I can't get your email may due to the server of "" have some trouble. maybe, the email of "" would get your email.

    do you mean can select and color bonds by:
    select bonds ({{atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds});
    color bonds opaque [0,200,0];
    but it does not work.
    may you help more!

  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2011-10-27

    almost. You need to surround that math expression with @{ }

    select bonds @{ {atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds }

    color bonds opaque [0,200,0]

  • berlin

    berlin - 2011-11-01

    thanks you all!
    "select bonds @{ {atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds }" is not work too.

    But, I got the way:
    select ({2 3});
    color bonds opaque [0,200,0];
    select the bond of atom 2 and 3, and set its color.

  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2011-11-01

    Ah, yes, that has been there forever. Your initial question was about bond identifiers and the BONDS command, but what you were really asking was "How can I color specific bonds specific colors."

    select bonds @{ {atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds }

    has worked since at least version 11.1. I forgot to ask, what version are you using? Here is an example from 12.2:

    load $caffeine
    select bonds @{ {atomno=1 or atomno=2}.bonds }
    color bonds yellow

  • Bob Hanson

    Bob Hanson - 2011-11-01
    • status: open --> closed
  • berlin

    berlin - 2011-11-05

    I am using the version 12.2.0,
    select and set bonds in function _setModelState of "*.spt" files.


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