
Java Modbus Slave & Master Implementatio / News: Recent posts

Release 0.1.1

Next release of the Jmodbus project.

This will probably be the last release before the code merge with Dieter Wimberger is finalised.

This release adds a working ASCII transport.

Bug fixes include
- Fixes for bit manipulation in Master and Slave
- Fix for a locig error in the Master
- Added more documentation

Posted by Kelvin Proctor 2001-11-08

Codebase Merge

Dieter Wimberger from the Institute for Automation, University of Leoben, Austria has written a Modbus/TCP client (Master) and has agreeded to merge his code base with that of the jModbus project. The merge will occur over the next few days and will be ready for the 0.2.0 release comming soon.

Posted by Kelvin Proctor 2001-10-19

First Release

The first release, version 0.1.0 has been made

Modbus TCP Transport is functional
Modbus Master implements class 0 functions
Modbus Slave implements class 0 functions

Class structure fully in place

Posted by Kelvin Proctor 2001-09-16