
Merge with other JmDNS projects

  • Aristedes Maniatis

    I'm glad that this project has some life in it again. Thanks so much for picking it up.

    I'd like the developers to take a look at two forks which have been created. The first one was created by one of our staff here and contributed back to the open source world some years ago. It fixed some important bugs in the threading of jmdns.

    The source is freely available and I encourage you to merge any useful fixes into the code here. Lachlan no longer works at ish (where he developed the code) and isn't interested in further work on this project. But it would be nice if his improvements could be adopted and then I'll ask if he'd like to point to this site.

    The second fork I found is published on maven and part of the Hudson project:

    I have not evaluated it in any way, but again it would be nice if the confusion of having multiple versions of the same project could be resolved by merging in any improvements, if possible.

    Ari Maniatis

  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-19

    aristedes, I completely agree.  if you have a fork that fixes some threading issues it is possible they have been solved in the main /trunk but it is also possible they have not been.  I will pull down the GIT project and see if I can figure out the differences.   Also when did he make these changes and against which version of JmDNS did he start the fork?

    Also have you tried the latest trunk/ version of this project?  It has major improvements since 2008.

  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-19

    OK from looking at your Git fork it looks like all of these changes have been implemented already in the latest 3.2.2 version of Jmdns.

  • Lachlan Deck

    Lachlan Deck - 2010-11-19

    Thanks melloware. Primarily (from memory) the problems were to do with the cancelerTimer not being killed properly as it was deadlocked waiting for another thread.

    If that's all been fixed, Ari, let me know and I'll take down the github fork.

  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-19

    ldeck, that definitely appears all to be fixed!

  • Aristedes Maniatis

    Great. I'll do some testing and upgrade our project in the near future.I see you've moved to maven: have you published the artifact to a repository somewhere?

  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-20

    Yes it is available in Maven Central at this….


  • Aristedes Maniatis

  • Aristedes Maniatis

    Did someone take it down because you were using a reserved namespace?

  • Pierre Frisch

    Pierre Frisch - 2010-11-22

    For those who do not know JmDNS was started by Arthur van Hoff. He chose the package name. I think he is untitled to his opinion on this and I respect it.

    Yes I did get approval form sonatype for the naming.

    Look there:


  • Aristedes Maniatis

    Great. I guess is it is just confusing that there are now so many different versions of this package floating around now. Would it be possible to add maven to the repository list in the pom that you push to with each release? That will help as identifying this as the definitive version.

  • Pierre Frisch

    Pierre Frisch - 2010-11-22

    I am not sure what you are asking for?

    The repository definition is part of the sonatype parent that I had to include in the pom in order to publish it.

    I am sorry for the confusion am I am not sure what I can do to fix it.


  • Aristedes Maniatis

    Sorry my last comment was confusing because I meant to write "maven central" instead of "maven". It looks like you have the artifacts in the sonatype repository, but they are not synced over to Maven Central where people are expecting to see them. You'll need to follow the instructions right at the bottom of

    It is possible that you haven't fulfilled one of their requirements, or need to ask for it to be synchronised.

  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-22

    I think what happens now is Sonatype will eventually merge whats in their repo to Maven Central.  They actually control Maven Central now instead of the old way of creating a bug ticket to have a library uploaded they are now controlling it through uploading to their repo first.  So maybe it just takes a while before it goes to Central Repo on Ibiblio.  It looks like this is the answer here about how to get your project into Central.

  • Pierre Frisch

    Pierre Frisch - 2010-11-23

    Thanks guys. I had forgotten a step. It is now synched and available.


  • Melloware Inc

    Melloware Inc - 2010-11-23

    fantastic!  Thanks a ton. 


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