
Questions about your Eclipse Experience

  • Rowan Christmas

    Rowan Christmas - 2003-05-29


    I am pondering using Eclipse is much the same way as you have done.  The difference is that I will be building a Biology oriented framework, we have already done a lot, but we like the idea of using the Eclipse environment instead of the one we made. ( )

    If you could please tell me how you went about stripping down Eclipse, I would be most greatful. 


    Rowan Christmas

    • ted stockwell

      ted stockwell - 2003-05-29

      Hi Rowan,

      --- "" <> wrote:
      > If you could please tell me how you went about stripping down
      > Eclipse, I would
      > be most greatful.

      What you may not realize yet is that JLense is not a stripped down copy of the Eclipse Workbench.  JLense is a completely rewritten version of the Eclipse Workbench.  The Eclipse Workbench was rewritten to use Swing instead of SWT.  So, while I was rewriting the Eclipse Workbench I also hacked out the hard-coded bits of the Eclipse Workbench that others find so hard to remove.

      In order to get Eclipse to look like JLense you'll have to be prepared to dive into the inner workings of the Eclipse Workbench.  Specifically, the org.eclipse.ui.workbench plugin.
      A whole lot of the Eclipse specific stuff that you would like to get rid of is in the WorkbenchActionBuilder class.  I removed almost all the Eclipse specific code from this class.

      The other big thing that JLense does it uses a JLense specific perspective for the default perspective.  The Jlense specific perspective displays the 'Outlook Bar' view.  If I remember correctly, the default perspective is configured in the product.ini configuration file (A standard Eclipse Workbench configuration file, I'm not sure where I learned about the product.ini file but it's in the Eclipse docs somewhere).

      Hope that helps get you started.


      • Rowan Christmas

        Rowan Christmas - 2003-05-30


        Thanks for your response.  I will continue to look at Eclipse and I still hope to be able to run it SWT free without any actual hacking.

        The main thing I am looking for is to just use their plugin loading stuff.



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