
Internationalization in chinese

James Lee
  • James Lee

    James Lee - 2003-07-04


    Can anyone provide information on internationalization on chinese ? I had problems display in chinese, the text displays small squares as per number of chinese characters.

    • Mark Mills

      Mark Mills - 2003-07-11

      Hi James,
      Check to make certain your locale is set correctly and that you have the correct fonts installed. When I get the boxes it's usually because one of those items isn't correct.

    • James Lee

      James Lee - 2003-07-14


      I had managed to get chinese to display, any idea/strategies about searching for chinese character string in chinese data eg customer name.

      Any idea how to get jLedger to work with the client/server on differnet machines though the current sample works with client and server on the same machine.

      Do you know anything about getting the View to always fetch a new fresh copy of the JComponent, as the view's JComponent is cache after the first access.

      Thanks for your input.



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