
JGuard´s datamodel documentation

  • Inácio Ferrarini

    [I was post on Help/Support, but, as Vinicius said, it is more suitable here]

    Hi there.

    I will start (at my free time, as I said before) start do document everything related to JGuard´s Data Model (like da data dictionary) including explanation about how JGuard uses the data contained on the table.
    Does anyone have any suggestion related to where on the wiki could I put this?

    Thanks again,

    - Inácio Ferrarini.

    • Charles Lescot

      Charles Lescot - 2006-08-28

      Hi inacio,
      publish content about JGuard´s Data Model is a great idea!
      maybe you could put a graphic describing it?
      to put some content about nit on the wiki, maybe you  can put the authentication side in the section called 'AuthenticationManager based on Database', by creating one more entry in it (JdbcAuthenticationManager is the first one).

      in the same way, for authorization, you can put it into "Authorization Managers based on Database" .



    • Charles Lescot

      Charles Lescot - 2006-08-28

      the idea to aggregate all the documentation in one big file is a great idea, but maybe difficult to do....
      like wiki is a not very organized system compared to this approach, maybe it can be difficult to do; also , we should avoid to duplicate documentation on two different locations.....
      it should be neat if xwiki allow to aggregate cotnent automatically, but that's not yet possible...


      • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

        The idea is create one article per topic.
        N. Authentication
        N.1 Types
        N.2 LoginModules
           N.2.1 JdbcLoginModule
           N.2.2 XmlLoginModule
        N.3 AuthorizationManager
           N.3.1 JdbcAuthorizationManager
           N.3.1 XmlAuthorizationManager

        The wiki can create summaries. This is good to quick access and provide a clear view of the covered topics. I think it make easy to new users to find information.

        Vinícius Pitta Lima de Araújo

        • Charles Lescot

          Charles Lescot - 2006-08-28

          i'm agree with the idea to propose a structured documentation ( is a good start).
          can you explain a little bit more when you say that wiki can create summaries?



          • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

            I am not sure about the xwiki but the wikipedia has a tag to create a summary (aka TOC) based on sections and subsections titles.


            Vinícius Pitta Lima de Araújo

            • Charles Lescot

              Charles Lescot - 2006-08-28

              Hi Vini,
              wikipedia used another wiki called mediawiki....


              • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

                Hi charlie,
                I see that! But we can built the TOC by our own.

                What is the best way to try to implement this new organization? Create a draft article?

                Vinícius Pitta Lima de Araújo

                • Charles Lescot

                  Charles Lescot - 2006-08-28

                  HI Vini,
                  we've started some drafts documents for the 1.0 release.
                  i think the draft state should not be included in the uri when we create new links, because cool uri don't change(thanks w3c), but the status of the document can change; if status change , uri will have to change, that can be confusing.
                  we have to create new page, but with a draft notification included in it.
         is either a good starting point to include the new link:
                  this page is a kind of master page hich regroup many links.
                  or maybe you can insert the new link on the left side of the page template.




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