
Use jGuard with GWT

  • Hanh-Missi TRAN

    Hanh-Missi TRAN - 2007-07-05


    I wonder if someone has already tried to use jGuard with GWT.
    There is for example a plugin that allows to call struts actions in GWT. So I can use this plugin and make something similar to what it is done in the jguard-struts-example.
    However I'd like to find a way to use jGuard and GWT without any third libs like struts. So if someone has already done it or has some ideas how to do it, I'm very interested :)

    • Charles Lescot

      Charles Lescot - 2007-07-11

      i've never used GWT.
      but like it seems to be bound to HttpServletRequest at one point, a servlet FIlter can authenticate the user.
      about authorization, i think some helps from GWT users is needed  to integrate jGuard smoothly with GWT.
      we are processing a refactoring now of the AccessFilter servlet filter to modularize it, to permit an easier integration of jguard with other frameworks like GWT.
      i think this process wil be ready very soon (one or two week).
      many changes are present on the svn.

      stay tuned!!


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