

Anonymous Ulf Dittmer

New and Changed Features in JForum 2.4.1


  • updated JavaMail from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4
  • updated JDOM2 from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6
  • updated FreeMarker from 2.3.21 to 2.3.23
  • updated Apache Commons Lang3 from 3.3.2 to 3.4
  • updated JBoss Cache from 2.2.19 to 2.2.22
  • updated SLF4J from 1.7.10 to 1.7.12
  • updated C3P0 from 0.9.5 to
  • updated MySQL driver from 5.1.34 to 5.1.36
  • updated PostgreSQL driver from 9.3-1102-jdbc4 to 9.4-1201-jdbc4
  • updated HSQLDB from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
  • updated Apache Tika from 1.7 to 1.9
  • updated jQuery from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3

New Features and fixes

  • Better fix for "Arbitrary File Upload and Remote Code Execution – Smileys"
  • Only show number of edits of a post to logged-in users
  • Don't ignore user's "Hide my online status" setting
  • Salt the user password with an installation-specific value
  • Fix problem where smilies could not be inserted into posts by clicking their icons
  • Added some missing settings to the Configurations page
  • Dates can be displayed in the local timezone of the forum visitor instead of the timezone of the forum server
  • broken "can edit message" setting has been fixed
  • Numerous code improvements suggested by FindBugs and PMD
  • Fix  Issue 22 : Some user attributes not stored in DB
  • Fix  Issue 35 : allow to disable version check by adding a version.check.enabled key to switch for check or not
  • Fix  Issue 66 : Improve Automatic URL matching
  • Fix  Issue 67 : When topic cache is disabled, all pages except first and last in a forum display 0 threads
  • Enforce image height and width when using large external image URL as user avatar
  • Add DTD for bb_config.xml
  • Rearrange the sequence of filters in web.xml

New Configurations

Entry name Default value Description
dateTime.local false whether to display dates in the visitor timezone or the server timezone
version.check.enabled true whether to check the latest JForum version or not

Database Schema

  • remove gender and theme_id attributes from jforum_users table
  • drop table jforum_themes


Tickets: #22
Tickets: #35
Tickets: #66
Tickets: #67
Wiki: UpgradingFrom240To241