
jFLAC: Java Free Lossless Audio Codec / News: Recent posts

Version 1.3 Released

Version 1.3 of jFLAC has been released.

Posted by Bruce MacNaughton 2008-03-04

Version 1.1 Released

This release fixes a bug in the java Sound SPI. This bug caused a problem when the jFLAC SPI was used in a player with oother SPIs. It would prevent non-flac files from being played if the jFLAC SPI was included in the class path.

Posted by David Robison 2004-09-06

Version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of jFLAC has been released. The key feature for this release is the inclusion of a Java Sound SPI. You may also see the release nores for other changes/

Posted by David Robison 2004-07-03

V0.5 Released

A fix was made to to flush all output to the device before closing the line.
Modified the app so that one instance can play back multiple files.
Added a decodeStreamInfo and decodeFrame function to StreamDecoder.
Added a processError to the FrameListener interface.
Added a Tester sample application that counts and prints out internal FLAC errors.

Posted by David Robison 2004-06-17

V0.4 Released

I am pleased to announce an updated release of the jFLAC library.

This release features a new player application that will play a flac file using the Java sound API. I've also added new listener interfaces to the library. The FrameListener is called after every flac packet is processed. This is now used by the Analyser application. The PCMProcessor is called after every frame is decoded. This is now used by the Decoder application... read more

Posted by David Robison 2004-06-03

Version 0.2 Released

I am pleased to announce an updated release of the jFLAC library.
This release fixes two separate bugs with the library:
1) Decoding LPC subframes generated a NullPointerException.
2) WAV files Decoded from 16 bps and 24 bps FLAC files were incorrect.

jFLAC is a java port of the <a href="">Free Lossless Audio Codec</a> which
is also hosted on SourceForge. The current code base support decoding FLAC files to WAV files. The
encoder is not currently supported. Any comments, suggestions, and help is welcome.

Posted by David Robison 2004-05-24

Version 0.1 Released!

I am pleased to announce the first release of the jFLAC library.

jFLAC is a java port of the Free Lossless Audio Codec which is also hosted on SourceForge. The current code base support decoding FLAC files to WAV files. The encoder is not currently supported. Any comments, suggestions, and help is welcome.

Posted by David Robison 2004-05-02