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Showing 10 results of 10

# Summary Milestone Status Owner
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Created Updated Priority
26 ColumnSpanLabelProvider does not paint correct background color of selected item when focus is lost 1.0.1 open-fixed Daniel Mazurek 2010-10-16 2015-01-18 5  
25 SWT exceptions occurred in connection with the procedure described in ticket #1311. None open 2009-10-13 2009-10-13 5  
24 SWT exceptions occurred in connection with the procedure described in ticket #1311. 1.0 open 2009-10-13 2014-08-26 5  
23 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.rmi.MarshalException: MarshalException; nested exception is: org.jboss.invocation.JBossLazyUn None open 2009-07-20 2015-03-31 5  
21 When no RXTX: NoClassDefFoundError: CommPortIdentifier none open Daniel Mazurek 2009-04-12 2014-08-07 5  
19 Deadlock related to AWT-XAWT none open 2009-04-03 2014-08-16 5  
17 Plugin that enables the generic export / print of SWT TableViewers HEAD open-fixed Chairat Kongarayawetchakun 2009-02-20 2009-07-16 6  
16 Additional information within the error reports HEAD open Niklas Schiffler 2008-11-27 2008-11-27 5  
14 Clean EntityEditorPageWithProgress API HEAD open-fixed Alexander Bieber 2008-10-14 2008-10-28 5  
10 org.nightlabs.l10n.NumberFormatter & org.nightlabs.l10n.DateFormatter: multiple "shared" instances None open CarNagE 2007-09-18 2008-03-26 5  
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