
JetSet / News: Recent posts

JetSet v3.0 Released

New in v3.0 is the possibility to extend the model by specifying attributes not part of the meta-model (XML Schema), and how their values shall be derived from other attributes of the model. These derived “virtual attributes” can then be used later in the code generator design as if they were true model object attributes.

Also this release is accompanied by two brand new tutorials.

Posted by Helge Timenes 2013-11-29

JetSet v2.0 released

JetSet 2.0 is now available from the sourceforge download area or from the eclipse update page (

New in v2.0 is native support for some design patterns that has been frequently used: Preprocessing of model data that can be subsequently iterated over, plus extensions using custom Java code. Also v2.0 fixes some UI bugs that, while not severe, where mildly annoying.

With JetSet v2.0 it is even easier to make advanced model transformators and code generators. ... read more

Posted by Helge Timenes 2011-09-17