
new release: 0.0.2

Finally a new release, this one features some improvements on the business context extension (EJB back-end) as well as the first front-end release

please note that this is an early alpha release and is just a proof of concept, in the coming months we will be working hard to improve the user interface as well as extend the existing set of features (security is one of the features currently missing in the release)

also the documentation is still missing, it will be added at a later point in time

the most important thing to do know is to figure out how to put a stable and durable framework in place that will allow us to use a pluggable architecture, features will then be seemlessly added or removed

in order to deploy the application simply unzip the release and drop the .ear file into your JBOSS container, you will also need a JSP server such as JBossWeb or Tomcat

Posted by Wouter Zoons 2003-04-06

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