
JEmpeg / News: Recent posts


Sorry this took so long ... There are a slew of new random features and bug fixes in 2.0b11. Check out the WHATSNEW.txt in the release for an overview.

Posted by Mike Schrag 2002-02-14

2.0 Release!

The 2.0 Beta 1 release is now out!

Posted by Mike Schrag 2001-11-27

New Release at Long Last!

JEmpeg 1.0b1 is OUT! There are too many fixes and additions to enumerate, but grab it and see for yourself.

Posted by Mike Schrag 2001-02-08

User Friendly Installers has InstallAnywhere installers of the 0.9.13 release for most platforms. This includes a Windows impl. of javax.comm, Swing, and JEmpeg itself. You can optionally download a VM along with the installer.

If you are a developer, you can just continue to get the 0.9.13 jar file from the sourceforge project page.

Posted by Mike Schrag 2000-10-27

JEmpeg on SourceForge

Finally got everything up here. I'll get CVS going soon so people who are interested can manage source a little more easily.

Posted by Mike Schrag 2000-10-18