
Standards for the Java Desktop

  • Jochen Theodorou

    Hi all,

    I just discovered your project and will try it soon. I think you know the standars from ? Which of these standards are covered by jd4x? I think i would be also very nice to use the gdesklets for jd4x. They are not Java, but it should be nor problem, if you have a EWMH compliant  implementation. But is it EWMH compliant?

    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2004-03-30

      Yes, we do. JD4X is still very young so, we have only managed to meet the main X standards. We use standard protocols and stuff like ICCCM, XML and POSIX. We'll expand as we continue to grow.

      No, we're not EWMH compliant. At lease not yet. Java have its own twist so I'm not exactly sure that  gdesklets can fit in well. But if it is possible, we'll definitely try.

      If you are interested in helping steer JD4X. Then join our mailing list and speak your mind. We welcome as much help as we can get.

      Thanks for the interest,

    • Jochen Theodorou

      Sure I'm interested in helping JD4X, but I have not the time to do that :( Maybe I will do some small adjustments to fit my personal preferences. If I do that I will share these with your Team. But where? I've seen only this Discussionforum here and one mailinglist for news.

    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2004-03-31

      We all communicate through the mailing list right now because our members are all over the place. The news mailing list also covers all our discussions. You can refer to our previous discussion in the public mailing list archive. Feel free to sent us anything.


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