
#78 Common programs access menu

Misc (16)

I'm thinking of a new menu in the menu bar called "Run"
which contains the following entries:

  • Custom...
  • Command prompt
  • Text Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Music Player
  • Video Player

Additionally there could be other entries.

The whole idea behind this would be to give the user a
quick way to access commonly used programs, regardless
the operating system. These entries could be customized
from the existing External Tools property page.

Having this feature JCommander would ease the
accomodation with any operating system since it would
offer, besides uniform file management across operating
systems, easy to use shortcuts to commonly used programs.


  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2005-11-04

    Logged In: YES

    These tools should be launched in the active panel's current
    directory. So for instance we need to assure that the
    command prompt opens up for the current directory.

    We should discuss the defaults and recommendations for
    Windows, Linux and MacOS X.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It might be useful to allow the user to add entries to each
    item (or some of them), so it's not not just a commonly used
    program but a list of programs. For example, Text Editor
    category might point to the list: Notepad, MS Word.

    May be, it also makes sense to allow the user to add

    I would also suggest to add
    - Browser v
    (the arrow indicates a list of browsers)

    This idea is similar to Macromedia Dreamweaver, the option
    to preview in several browsers.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Sorry, the previous comment was mine. crazzycloe

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2005-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    I'm not sure how useful it would be to provide a summary of
    the system's program menu. But having multiple programs per
    required functionality might help.

    However, I'd like to propose a simpler approach for now:
    Just the limited entries as initially described. We could do
    this fast (read: included in the next release) and study
    this issue further regarding ways of improvement.

  • anthrax_

    anthrax_ - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    TODO get the current directory of the active panel in the
    active tab
    TODO run the command in this directory

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2005-12-10

    Logged In: YES

    The implementation has been finalized.


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