
#104 Multi-Screens not really supported


Since I am having 2 Screens the center is little bit
akward. Escpecially it is not checked, if there are 2
screens and where to center - Especially for the


  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-24

    Logged In: YES

    Could you please detail more this bug report. Does
    JCommander get centered improperly at the initial startup?

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES


    the splash screen from eclipse on screen1 centered
    (properly), the progess bar on screen2 centered (properly),
    the total window after the initial state is little bit
    weired positioned, i.e. (width of both screen)/2, (maximum
    height of screen 1, ignoring the windows-insents
    [=toolbar]). But the height-position could vary, don't know
    on what it depends, cause it could be as well the
    (max(screen1.height, screen2.height)/2.

    Please keep in mind, that the screen-size from my 2 monitors
    differ. Therfore the whole center-process is not very good.
    I mean it would make sense IFFF I have 3 monitors all the
    same size, otherwise the center should be done regarding one
    particular screen. Most likely the default one.

    The most preferable way would be to restore the position
    after closing!

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    The progress bar is of no issue right now because if you
    take a look at the latest development version we use the
    Eclipse 3.2 RCP runtime which has the progress bar
    integrated into the splash screen.

    Now I understand the rest of the problem that the main
    window gets positioned in the center of the display area. I
    created a fix for this but which I'm not able to test since
    right now I'm on a single monitor setup. However, if you
    could get the latest development build
    - this is newer than the other one I was referring to in the
    bookmark manager related post)? Here the window should be
    displayed on the first monitor on startup and window size
    and position should be remember across sessions.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    Seems like it is fixed now;)

    Two minor problems I see still:

    1) The splash-screen with the progress-bar now displays on
    the Default-Screen1, while when I have started the
    appliction from Screen2, the Window will finally open on

    So, perhaps the splash-screen could be as well on the Screen
    from where I've launched it.

    But I see this as a minor problem.

    2) At the very first start, there is the question which type
    of Layout one should choose. And THAT frame remains still in
    the center of the two screens. So, it would be fine to
    have it as well in the middle of ONE screen - Perhaps the
    one from which the app is launched.

    Since both are minor issues I would say, the bug is done
    with 90%. So, feel free to close it - if you like.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    Great! Regarding the minor problems:

    1) This is an issue of the Eclipse runtime so you might want
    to report this on the Eclipse Bugzilla:

    The correct behavior would indeed be for the splash screen
    to show up on the monitor on which the main window will be

    2) I provided a fix for this by explicitly stating in the
    code that the layout profile chooser dialog be explicitly
    centered on the primary monitor on the first startup. Please
    check this in the latest development build so that I can
    close the bug:

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    2) is working, therefore I close it

    Thx for the quick-fix.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    You're welcome ;-)


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