
(JCL) Jar Class Loader / News: Recent posts

JCL is fully migrated to GitHub

JCL has been migrated to github, all new development, bug fixes will be done on github. Please visit:

Posted by Kamran 2011-03-18

JCL 2.2.2 released

JCL 2.2.2 is released. And also published in maven central repository

Posted by Kamran 2010-10-30

JCL in Maven Central

JCL is now available in Maven central repository.

Posted by Kamran 2010-10-23

JCL 2.2.1 released

JCL 2.2.1 is released, with some bug fixes and enhancements. Refer to the documentation for more details.

Posted by Kamran 2010-08-14

JCL 2.2 released

JCL 2.2 released with updates and fixes:

1- Auto proxy/castable objects from object factory
2- Added cglib proxies
3- Some other minor updates

1- Fixed factory object creation in spring module
2- Fixed JclContext to be accessible from outside the package

Posted by Kamran 2010-05-03

JCL 2.1.2 release

JCL 2.1.2 is released with some bug fixes and new updates

Posted by Kamran 2010-01-31

JCL 2.1 released

JCL 2.1 is released with new updates and features. Visit the homepage for more details.

Posted by Kamran 2009-11-08

JCL 2.0 Released!

JCL 2.0 is now released and is available for download. Please also visit the homepage for documentation.

Posted by Kamran 2009-10-24

JCL 2.0

JarClassLoader 2.0 is will be releasing soon. This version will not deprecate versions 1.x. Bugs found in 1.x would still be fixed.
Version 2.0 has the following changes:

1- The classes and package names have been changed
2- Maven is being used for project management instead of ANT
3- Added more robust spring and web support
4- Added OSGi boot loading
5- JCL will be more customizable and configurable
etc etc.

Posted by Kamran 2009-10-07

Changes to JCL License

The license has now been changed to LGPL to allow the users with more freedom to use and distribute JCL as part of their applications.

Posted by Kamran 2009-08-22

JCL License

From now on all releases of JCL will be released with GPL Linking Exception. This exception also applied to all previous version of JCL and will allow everyone to use JCL as a library in their programs without releasing their programs under GPL.

The license will be available as part of all the new releases. The text of this license is available under Documentation.

Posted by Kamran 2009-08-14

JCL 1.2.2 released

JCL 1.2.2 released. Now it is possible to cast/clone objects loaded in JCL in the current classloader.

Posted by Kamran 2008-11-01

JCL 1.2 released

JCL 1.2 has been released with some bug fixes and new features.

Posted by Kamran 2008-10-12

JCL-Spring Integration

JCL now comes with spring integration, allowing beans to be loaded directly from JAR files. It now also provides class loading from multiple jar files and other sources both local and remote.

Posted by Kamran 2008-01-16