
JB port to C# (JB2CSharp) / News: Recent posts

Alpha version released

Today the jb2csharp team release their first alpha version 0.1. Everyone is welcome to try it out and find out what bugs remain.

We look forward to your comments.

Posted by Nick Drochak 2001-09-09

Calc compiler works!

Today we got the C# version of the simple calc example to compile and work! All of the code has been ported where needed, and we will release our first alpha version as soon as we create the makefiles needed to build this thing. Next step is to let the user choose which language (Java/C#) they would like to use.

Nick D.

Posted by Nick Drochak 2001-09-06

Port of JB to C# started

In response to a request by the Mono project [1], we have started a port of JB (a Java-enabled Bison/Flex package [2]) to C#.

Today we imported the current work in progress into CVS and will be fleshing out the sourceforge project items as soon as we can.

The first matter at hand is to finish the brute-force port and see if we can get the darn thing to compile. Once we have a working proof-of-concept system that can produce compilers using C# sytax in the lexer and parser, we will look at refactoring the code to handle both languages, and possible more.... read more

Posted by Nick Drochak 2001-08-30