
Complex examples

  • adin

    adin - 2010-10-16


    I'm starting using Jaxe and I think you did a great job.
    I'm trying to do some validation in the types when entering the values, like some examples I saw on the configurations files that came with it. However, I wasn't able to figure out how you do this kind of validation on the data types.
    Can you point my out in the right direction. Do you have any other manual, rather than the one in the site. I need one with more details on the powerful things that Jaxe can do.
    Thanks in advance,


  • Damien Guillaume

    Validation is done based on XML schemas.
    Jaxe supports W3C schemas and Relax NG schemas (the first one better than the second one).
    You could read a primer to W3C schemas here :
    And of course, there are many tutorials on the web, you could just type "xml schema tutorial" in google to find them.


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